Each year educators are plagued with unreasonable class sizes that negatively impact teaching and learning. PGCPS and PGCEA have formed a Joint Task Force to establish a mutually agreeable upon measure of class size. Your honest feedback and input is needed to effectuate change that will positively impact teaching and learning. This is an anonymous survey.

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* 1. Grade level you currently teach? (Check all that apply)

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* 2. Subject you currently teach? (check all that apply)

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* 3. What are your class sizes (choose all that apply)

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* 4. Have you ever seen your school's budget?

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* 5. How satisfied are you with your current class sizes?

  Poor Fair Satisfactory Very good Excellent
Number of students in each class
Class make up (i.e. IEPs, 504s, behavior issues, ...)
Room size given the number of students in the class
Your input in the creation of student groupings/classes
The availability of class roster upon return to work in August.

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* 6. How do large class sizes affect your teaching and student learning?

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* 7. If you are a Scheduler for your school, please rate the following:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
I am provided ample Professional Development to complete this task
I am provided 10 day during the summer to complete this task.
The 10 days in the summer is enough to complete scheduling.
I work as part of a Scheduling Team.
I allow teachers to give valuable input about student course placement.
I allow teachers to give valuable input about student groupings.
If you are a Scheduler list the challenges you face in ensuring scheduling is done on time (i.e. by Inservice Week) and class sizes are acceptable to teachers.

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* 8. If you are a Scheduler list the challenges you face in ensuring scheduling is done on time (i.e. by Inservice Week) and class sizes are acceptable to teachers.

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* 9. What would be your ideal class size if there are no Special Education or English Language Learners included?

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* 10. What is your ideal class size if there ARE Special Education and English Language Learners included?

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* 11. Are there any issues with discipline,  ability to effectively monitor group work, differentiating instruction, or parent contact as it relates to class size? If so, please explain.

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* 12. If your interested in being involved in improving class sizes please complete the below