Revitalization Strategy Comment Form


The North Central Plan needs your feedback on the final draft goals and strategies. Please take a moment and leave a comment for the 12 goals and their strategies for implementation. All input will be considered and incorporated into the final Plan.
Goal 1: Respect, celebrate, and build upon the diverse history of North Central.

Strategy 1.1: Document the community history and assets of the neighborhood.

Strategy 1.2: Identify and preserve the existing significant historical architectural and cultural resources of the neighborhood in future developments.

Strategy 1.3: Develop community and educational programs around the local history and culture of North Central.

Goal 2: Create whole, healthy, and vibrant neighborhoods.

Strategy 2.1: Achieve and maintain a sustainable mix of land-uses that balances housing types with the opportunity to support close proximity to transit, employment, and community and commercial facilities.

Strategy 2.2: New development, both residential and commercial, should reinforce the strengths of existing neighborhoods, combining new construction with rehabilitation to create a series of distinct places.

Strategy 2.3: Increase access to and the number of high-quality public parks, community gardens, school yards, and outdoor recreation amenities and connect and integrate with the existing parks and the Hodiamont Greenway and Brickline Greenway.

Strategy 2.4: Create an integrated network of safe, comfortable, and walkable streets connecting parks, greenways, schools, and community gathering places, neighborhood centers and amenities.

Strategy 2.5: Develop connected, distinctive walkable districts with identifiable centers, edges, and gateways.

Strategy 2.6: Create a Beautification Committee, under the umbrella of the Community-Based Development Organization (Strategy 11.1), to monitor and assist in the maintenance and beautification of North Central.

Strategy 2.7: Build for sustainable, resilient, and just policies in future developments.

Strategy 2.8: Support social infrastructure and civic engagement for residents through physical design and programming.
Goal 3: Rehab existing homes and provide a diversity of new infill homes.

Strategy 3.1: Provide a diversity of housing types in North Central, including apartments for young adults and couples; homes for families; and accessible, easy-to-maintain houses for seniors aging in place.

Strategy 3.2: Connect qualified local developers with rehab opportunities.

Strategy 3.3: Facilitate construction of new infill housing on vacant land.

Strategy 3.4: Deploy resources to residents for home renovations and repairs.
Goal 4: Promote and support the creation and retention of viable community businesses and creative-arts industries, and promote entrepreneurship.

Strategy 4.1: Develop creative-arts industries and local employment opportunities in partnership with the Grand Center Arts District.

Strategy 4.2: Revitalize existing commercial corridors and nodes with high-quality, community-supporting development.

Strategy 4.3: Leverage North Central locations for local business start-ups, including business incubators and live-work spaces.

Strategy 4.4: Work with local institutions and funders on programs that support North Central businesses and entrepreneurs.

Strategy 4.5: Establish community-based training and entrepreneurship programs, focusing a comprehensive range of skills.
Goal 5: Improve neighborhood safety for all residents and visitors.

Strategy 5.1: Establish a resident-led committee and platform to re-envision public safety in North Central.

Strategy 5.2: Improve neighborhood safety through both physical improvements and enhanced relationships among residents.

Strategy 5.3: Streets are the focus of community life and should be designed to be safe for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers alike, and encourage civic engagement.

Strategy 5.4: Strengthen coordination between neighborhood organizations in North Central.

Strategy 5.5: Decrease overall crime rates in North Central.
Goal 6: Support and assist North Central residents to remain in place and build wealth and social capital.

Strategy 6.1: Provide personal banking resources for residents.

Strategy 6.2: Incentivize inclusionary zoning in future development.

Strategy 6.3: Attract resources to provide support for community residents and property owners.

Strategy 6.4: Promote and incentivize increased homeownership in North Central.

Strategy 6.5: Partner with community development financial institutions (CDFIs) for Plan implementation.
Goal 7: Connect and engage residents of all ages to sustainable employment and community services.

Strategy 7.1: Improve accessibility and reduce commuting time between North Central and major employment and retail centers.

Strategy 7.2: Support the development of commercially-viable mixed-use corridors and neighborhood centers.

Strategy 7.3: Facilitate development of local retail and commercial amenities.

Strategy 7.4: Engage with regional partners to reduce racial and geographic disparities according to the St. Louis Equity Indicators Baseline Report.
Goal 8: Attract and provide access to high-quality recreational, educational, health, and cultural amenities and programs.

Strategy 8.1: Civic institutions such as schools and churches should have dignified settings and be integrated into their surroundings.

Strategy 8.2: Create a health and wellness district around Cochrane VA Medical Center and other existing healthcare facilities.

Strategy 8.3: Enhance support and private and public financial resources for schools within and around North Central.

Strategy 8.4: Consider the feasibility of developing a community center in North Central or partnering with existing centers to provide affordable access.

Strategy 8.5: Make existing arts and cultural amenities more accessible to North Central residents.
Goal 9: Improve and enhance public infrastructure and public services.

Strategy 9.1: Improve access to and quality of service to public transit services.

Strategy 9.2: Improve the quality, coverage, and accessibility to broadband and internet services.

Strategy 9.3: Ensure that streets, sidewalks, and vacant lots are well-maintained.

Strategy 9.4: Eliminate illegal dumping.

Strategy 9.5: Improve the maintenance and cleanup of alleys and vacant land.

Strategy 9.6: Improve the quality and quantity of trees on public land.
Goal 10: Establish clear communication and accountability with the City of St. Louis.

Strategy 10.1: Improve the proactivity, responsiveness of, and resources for City services in North Central.

Strategy 10.2: Provide educational resources on residents’ rights and responsibilities.

Strategy 10.3: Enhance high levels of engagement between residents and City officials.
Goal 11: Create a participatory decision-making process for residents to guide the future of the community.

Strategy 11.1: Establish a community-based development organization and funding sources for implementation of the North Central Plan and ongoing community-led development.

Strategy 11.2: Establish a Residents’ Council to engage with and serve as a forum for community residents; and to serve as a liaison between residents and the City of St. Louis.

Strategy 11.3: Create a neighborhood that enables people of all ages and incomes to come together, to look after one another, and to share a strong sense of community pride.
Goal 12: Ensure a just, equitable, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable future for the North Central community.

Strategy 12.1: Provide free or very low-cost community-wide internet access in North Central through neighborhood Wi-Fi hotspots.

Strategy 12.2: Improve North Central property values.

Strategy 12.3: Enhance the environmental quality of North Central.

Strategy 12.4: Provide equitable mobility opportunities for all North Central residents, regardless of age, income, or ability.

Strategy 12.5: Expand neighborhood participation and representation in the civic process.
Current Progress,
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