This fall the Natrona County Library is undertaking a strategic planning process to help us look at where we are as an organization, where we want to go, and how we get there.  As a valued member of our community, we would like your feedback on how we are doing and what we could do better.  This information will only go to our consultant who will compile the data and create a summary report that will be used to guide our strategic planning discussions.  No individual answers will be shared. 

As an incentive to participate, all survey participants who fill out at least the required (*) questions and provide their name and contact information at the bottom, will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Visa gift card.  Names and contact information will only be used for the drawing and will be destroyed once the cards are awarded. 

The survey should not take any longer than about 10 minutes, and we greatly appreciate your time and feedback.

Question Title

* What MATERIALS do you and/or your family use or have used at the library? (Choose all that apply)

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* What library EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES do you and/or your family attend or have attended? (Choose all that apply)

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* If you attend library events, what have been some of your favorites? 

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* If you have not attended a library event, how likely would you be to attend one in the future?  Choose on the scale below with "1" being not likely, and "5" being very likely.

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* What classes, events, learning opportunities, or activities would you like to see offered at the library?

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* When are you most available to attend library events? Indicate your top two.

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* What library SERVICES do you and/or your family use or have used? (Choose all that apply)

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* In the past, when you've wanted to use one of these library services, was it usually available?

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* If you had to choose only one of the Library's services beyond providing books and materials for checking out, what would you choose?"

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* What do you like best about the library?

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* What do you like least about the library?

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* What is your favorite space in the library?

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* What kind of spaces are missing from the library?

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* What is the library currently doing or offering that they should stop?

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* What should the library be doing or offering that they currently don’t?

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* How likely would you be to recommend that your friends or family visit the library?  Choose on the scale below with "1" being not likely, and "5" being very likely.

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* How do you typically hear about the library, its programs, or events? (Check all that apply)

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* What else would you like to share with library staff as they work on their strategic planning?

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* OPTIONAL: If you are interested in being entered into a drawing to potentially win a $50 Visa gift card, please enter your name, email address, and phone number below.