Where's Canyon Movement Company

Re-imagining, revamping, and renewing Canyon Movement Company

Canyon Movement Company (CMC) has been a part of the Flagstaff community for over thirty years. We are re-imagining, revamping, and renewing the company. We will be evaluating our mission statement, goals, and strategic plan. We invite you to please complete the following 10-question survey.
CMC has had various configurations throughout its history from a small group of community dancers looking for a place to create and perform to a regional professional company traveling internationally. We've had a school of dance, produced the modern Nutcracker as well as festivals, summer workshops, and other events, we've conducted school dance residencies and performances, teacher training, professional development, and are now a core of dancers and choreographers dedicated to working collaboratively in our community.

1.What value has CMC brought to you personally? (mark all that apply)
2.What value has CMC brought to our community? (mark all that apply)
3.What has been your observations about CMC over the past 3-4 years including during the pandemic? (mark all that apply)
4.What impact do you see CMC having in the future?
5.What activities and events would you like to see CMC offer in the future? (mark all that apply)
6.CMC looks forward to collaborating with other dance and performance arts groups. Who and what kinds of collaborations do you suggest?
7.Our mission statement includes creating, sharing, and educating. Do you think CMC currently fulfills its mission? How do you suggest the mission statement change if needed. Current Mission statement: Canyon Movement Company, Inc., is a contemporary dance ensemble dedicated to sharing our passion and excitement with a growing audience by creating and presenting the art of dance through performance, education, and community and collaborative projects.
8.If CMC moved to a “project-based” model instead of a year-round dance company, do you think the company would have a strong impact in the community? Please share  your thoughts about this idea.
9.What would you like CMC to offer in order for you to continue to participate in any capacity? Please elaborate.
10.Would you like to be contacted to serve on a steering committee? This would include meeting 1-2 times throughout the rest of the year, and a stipend would be paid. If so, please leave your name, email, and phone number here or email it separately to cmcgina1@gmail.com if you prefer to remain anonymous for the survey.