Please complete the agreement below. Please contact Nadine Grosso at with any questions.

Question Title

* 1. Yes! My facility would like to engage in this voluntary opportunity to reduce the off label use of anti-psychotic medications utilizing the Maine Dementia Care Partnership Toolkit, Is it for me or you? Dementia Care Change Package.

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* 2. As a participant, I agree to the expectations outlined below and will begin the process on May 1, 2022 and complete the work by October 31, 2022.

  • Identify residents who may benefit from A/P reduction
  • Establish a facility-specific A/P reduction percentage goal over a 6-month period
  • Provide staff education using the toolkit resources
  • Implement one toolkit item/strategy
  • Embrace a person-centered approach to this work
  • Conduct pre- and post-analysis of outcomes specific to your journey

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* 3. Contact Information for Authorized Representative

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* 4. Each participating home must select two project coordinators (Can be Administrator, DON, or any department leader of your choosing.)

Please provide first project coordinator's contact information below.

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* 5. Please provide second project coordinator's contact information below.