WVARA Field Day Participation Survey

In preparation for Field Day (June 21-23, 2024), we want to get an idea of who is likely to be around to assist with set-up, tear-down, and operating. If you are planning to participate at Mora Hill, please complete the following on-line survey. We want to ensure that everyone who has a desire to operate gets an opportunity.

Background Information: This year’s Field Day operation will be at the top of Mora Hill located in the San Antonio Open Space Reserve. We will be running about a dozen HF/SSB, HF/CW, HF/Digital, and VHF/UHF stations at 5 watts output. There will also be a Get On The Air (GOTA) station for rusty hams and non-ham visitors.

We will operate for the entire 24-hour period (11am Saturday to 11am Sunday). This means we will need station captains and operators throughout the event. Your involvement is welcome during set-up, tear-down, and throughout the 24-hour on-the-air period! You can see a description of one of our previous Mora Hill Field Day operations at: http://www.arrl.org/soapbox/view/9899

Feel free to email me if you have any specific questions or comments.

Jim, K6EI
WVARA Field Day Coordinator

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* 1. Your name, callsign, and email address:

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* 2. I can help set-up on Friday, 9am-3pm. [yes, no, or from when to when]

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* 3. I can help with teardown on Sunday, 11am-2pm. [yes, no, or from when to when]

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* 4. I am interested in being an HF station captian (which would involve setting up and managing a station).

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* 5. I am interested in helping run a station during Field Day (either as an operator or as a QSO logger.) [y/n or comment]

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* 6. If you answered yes to the preceding question, please indicate your preferred mode(s):

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* 7. I am generally available to help operate/log during the following time windows (select all that apply):

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* 8. If you prefer CW, what is the the maximum code speed at which you feel comfortable running QSOs? Are you comfortable calling CQ in a contest or is your preference hunt-and-pounce operating?

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* 9. If your preference is for SSB, do you consider yourself to be:

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* 10. Are you available to assist with bringing in food or coffee to our team during the event?  (We'll even reimburse you for the cost!)