NATRE Primary Survey

NATRE (National Association of the Teachers of RE) appreciates the work you do every day to support all children in learning about Religion and Worldviews. To help us continue to support you, we would be grateful if you could participate in our bi-annual primary survey (should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete).

By gathering insights systematically right across the country directly from primary practitioners and their classrooms, your responses give us the evidence we need to lobby ministers and policy makers by:
1. Informing our understanding of what is happening in schools.
2. Flagging the priorities that educational policies and initiatives should align with school and classroom realities.
3. Sharpening our understanding of what support you need to lead RE/Religion and Worldviews teaching in primary schools.
As a THANK YOU, all participants who complete the survey will receive a complimentary NATRE resource. Additionally, if you choose to provide your contact details, you will be entered into a prize draw in which TWO LUCKY teachers will win a Primary School Enhanced membership. Current SE members will get next year's membership for free and existing NATRE members (non-SE) will get an upgrade to SE.

NATRE will treat your responses with complete and absolute confidentiality; no schools or teachers will be identified in any use NATRE makes of the information you provide.
PLEASE NOTE: If you experience any technical issues with the completion of this survey, simply try refreshing your browser, or using the back button. Your data will not be lost. Apologies for any inconveniences caused by this.

Thank you for your ongoing support and your willingness to participate.