Topics will be received all year (rolling submission). Please review the NATA Foundation website for additional information to consider before submitting a new topic.

Question Title

* Contact Information

Question Title

* Proposed Position Statement title (if one exists already, can be the same as before, or different).

Question Title

* Relevant Athletic Training Domains:

Question Title

* Identification of Athletic Training Research Agenda Priority:

Question Title

* Description of position statement scope (i.e. what will be the main focus of the position statement):
  • This can include purpose statements or just a general description of focus
  • 1 paragraph of less than 150 words.
  • Address Scope of the position statement- can be same as before if position statement already exists or more focused

Question Title

* Provide a list of potential sub-headers to be used in position statement

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* Describe the Clinical need for the position statement?
No more than one paragraph (<150 words)

Question Title

* Describe the Professional need for position statement?
No more than one paragraph (<150 words)

Question Title

* Identification of patient centered care
No more than one paragraph (<150 words)

Question Title

* What are the Legal implications (if any)?
No more than one paragraph (<150 words)

Question Title

* If relevant, minimum of 25% of recommendations from the original position statement that would be updated in the new position statement (with an example of how it would change)

Question Title

* Provide a minimum of 5 empirical data-driven research studies (within the last 6 years). If a previous statement exists, these need to have been published since the last position statement