
Thank you for participating in this survey to help us better understand your experience applying for a short-term visa to visit the United States. Your perspective is valuable and will help clarify how the visa process impacts the global advancement of science. This survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Asterisks in the survey indicate questions that require a response.

Your privacy is top priority. This survey does not ask for personally identifiable information, and responses will only be reported in aggregate. Cross tabulation will not be performed for categories with fewer than 10 respondents. Individual survey comments shared in the final report will be fully anonymized and will not be attributable to any identifiable source. For detailed information on how your data will be handled and protected by SurveyMonkey, see this Privacy Notice

By clicking "YES" below, you agree to participate in this survey under these conditions. Thank you again for your time and input.

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree to the above terms? By clicking YES, you consent that you are willing to answer the questions in this survey.

5% of survey complete.