NARM is concerned about access to hands-on Neonatal Resuscitation Program (NRP) training for midwives, student midwives, and their assistants. In order to advocate for you, data is needed to define the scope of any problem. Results will be de-identified and aggregated; we have no financial disclosures.

Your answers are confidential. By completing this survey, you agree that your de-identified information can be included in compiled data to be shared with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and others, as needed, to improve access to appropriate NRP training for out-of-hospital birth attendants.

Note: For this survey, in-person, hands-on NRP training and evaluation will be referred to as an “Instructor-Led Event”, consistent with the terminology used by AAP.  “NRP Provider” is anyone with a current NRP card.

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* 1. Are you a student midwife or a CPM?

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* 2. If NARM’s in-person waiver for COVID-19 expires at the end of this year, do you anticipate that you will need to attend an Instructor-Led Event in 2023 or 2024?

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* 3. Based on your past experience and information from others in your area, do you anticipate any difficulty registering for an Instructor-Led Event in 2023 or 2024?

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* 4. Has lack of availability of a local NRP Instructor-Led Event ever prevented you from getting or renewing an NRP card?