Initial Questions

The First 1,000 Days in a child's life are an absolutely crucial period, not just to ensure its Right Start into life and grow to his/her full potential, but also for Namibia's long-term socioeconomic development.

Hence, this survey by the Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN) aims to assess how far key nutrition-aspects are incorporated into employee wellness, especially if work environments are supporting parents and caregivers of newborn babies. By engaging key players, especially within the private sector, we would like to learn about the status quo and innovative best practices, e.g. around breastfeeding-friendly workplaces, parental leave options, and integration of nutritional aspects within current approaches to employee wellness and beyond.

Summarised Outcomes of this survey will be published by NAFSAN during the World Breastfeeding Week: 1-7 August 2024.

Please note, all responses are confidential and will be used anonymously by NAFSAN to prepare for summary outcomes and to constructively engage interested organisations on ways to improve employee wellness.
Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate contacting us:

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* 1. What is the name of the company/organisation you work for?

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* 2. What type of organisation do you work for?

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* 3. Could you provide your name and contact details, for possible follow-ups? (optional)

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* 4. Does your company/organisation have a Wellness Department?