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* 1. How familiar are you with our organization's programs and services?

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* 2. Which of NAMI's programs do you feel most aligned with supporting? (Please select all that apply)

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* 3. Please tell us in your own words why you chose to donate to NAMI Santa Cruz County (your response may be used anonymously in our communications to inspire others to give).

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* 4. How easy or difficult was the process of donating to NAMI Santa Cruz County?

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* 5. How well do we explain how your giving makes a difference in our community?

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* 6. How well does NAMI Santa Cruz County recognize you for your contributions?

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* 7. How likely are you to donate to our organization again?

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* 8. How do you prefer hearing about our organization's fundraising activities? (Select all that apply.)

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* 9. Would you like us to contact you about any of the following giving opportunities?

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* 10. Has someone you know benefitted from a NAMI program?

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* 11. How likely are you to tell others about NAMI?

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* 12. Any additional comments, feedback, or advice? We'd love to hear from you!