The National Association of Black Counselors, Inc. is soliciting proposals for our 3rd annual Conference. Proposals can be either 60 minutes or 90 minutes. The Conference will provide up to16 CEU’s for counselors. Complete Proposal Packages must be received by 8/1/202411:59 p.m. EST
Attachment A
A completed copy of Attachment A must be submitted for each session you wish to have reviewed. If your program is not multi-session, one copy of Attachment A can be submitted.

Question Title

* 1. Title of Program

Question Title

* 2. All Presenter(s) for the presentation (list the names and credentials) Eg. John Smith, Phd., LPC:

Question Title

* 3. Target Audience:

Question Title

* 4. Number of CE Hours Available for the Presentation:

Question Title

* 5. Content Area(s) for the Presentation: The subject matter of this program is directly and primarily related to the following NBCC content area(s)-check all that apply ((Refer to Appendix A to see content area definitions and to be sure all of the presenters qualify to present the material they are slated to present):

Describe the program content: In order for a Provider to offer and issue NBCC credit, the program subject matter must be directly and primarily related to one (1) or more of the above NBCC Content Areas (See Appendix A for more details).

Question Title

* 6. Learning Objective 1:

Question Title

* 7. Learning Objective 2:

Question Title

* 8. Learning Objective 3:

Question Title

* 9. Abstract for the presentation (less than 300 words):

Question Title

* 10. Explanation of the presentation: (submit as an attachment if necessary) A clear, clinically sound, and well-composed (in Microsoft Word) explanation of what you propose to present. Please limit your submission to no more than 2 pages double-spaced. Please do not send any promotional materials-brochures, digital business cards, etc.)

Question Title

* 11. A clear, clinically sound, and well-composed (in Microsoft Word) explanation of what you propose to present. Please limit your submission to no more than 2 pages double-spaced. Please do not send any promotional materials-brochures, digital business cards, etc.)

Presenter Qualification Form

Include a separate Presenter Qualification Form and curriculum vitae/resume for every presenter. Clearly identify which presenter(s) will be presenting what subject/material during the presentation. The subject matter must be directly and primarily related to an NBCC content area, and the presenter of the program must qualify as a presenter for the subject matter presented. Qualifying programs must be taught by presenters who possess appropriate qualifications, as required by the NBCC Continuing Education Provider Policy.

Question Title

* 12. Presenter 1

Question Title

* 14. Presenter 1

Question Title

* 15. Title of program or session/workshop that will be presented by you: (should be the same title as reported on the corresponding Attachment A)

Question Title

* 16. Content Area you are Presenting: The subject matter of this program is directly and primarily related to the following NBCC content area(s)-check all that apply (Refer to Appendix A to see content area definitions and to be sure you qualify to present the material):

Question Title

* 17. Presenter Category: (Refer to Appendix A to make sure you qualify to present the material proposed) Select the presenter category appropriate for this individual presenter (check one):

Question Title

* 18. Presenter 1 Category: (Refer to Appendix A to make sure you qualify to present the material proposed) Select the presenter category appropriate for this individual presenter (check one):

Question Title

* 19. Degree

Question Title

* 20. Major or Field of Study

Question Title

* 21. Institution

Question Title

* 22. Year

Question Title

* 23. Presenter 2 Category: (Refer to Appendix A to make sure you qualify to present the material proposed) Select the presenter category appropriate for this individual presenter (check one):

Question Title

* 24. Degree

Question Title

* 25. Major or Field of Study

Question Title

* 26. Institution

Question Title

* 27. Year

Question Title

* 28. Presenter 3 Category: (Refer to Appendix A to make sure you qualify to present the material proposed) Select the presenter category appropriate for this individual presenter (check one):

Question Title

* 29. Degree

Question Title

* 30. Major or Field of Study

Question Title

* 31. Institution

Question Title

* 32. Year

Question Title

* 33. Presenter 1 Qualifications con't

Question Title

* 34. Presenter 2 Qualifications con't

Question Title

* 35. Presenter 3 Qualifications con't

Question Title

* 36. Presenter (s) Pictures, Biographical Sketch, and other supporting documentation (Attach in one document)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

*Refer to both presenter qualifications and Content Areas and Topics to be sure that you qualify to present the material you are proposing.

Presenter Qualifications:

Category 1.) REQUIRED FOR ALL PROGRAM CONTENT RELATED TO THE COUNSELING AND/OR TREATMENT, OF CLIENTS. In order to qualify as a Category 1 Presenter, the individual must: Hold a graduate degree in a mental health field from a regionally accredited educational institution; and be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present the particular subject matter. Honorary degrees do not suffice for this qualification nor do degrees from outside of the U.S.

Category 2.) In order to qualify as a Category 2 presenter, the individual must: Hold a graduate degree from a regionally accredited educational institution directly related to the subject matter presented; and, Be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter, or author the publication concerning the subject matter.

Category 3.) In order to qualify as a Category 3 Presenter, the individual must: Be qualified by appropriate education, experience, and/or training to present/author the particular subject matter, or author the publication concerning the subject matter.

Content Areas and Topics:

1.) Counseling Theory/Practice and the Counseling Relationship. This content area provides an advanced understanding of the counseling 7 processes, including, but not limited to, the following topics:

► Foundational and well-established counseling theories, principles, and techniques of counseling and their application in mental health settings. (Only category 1)

► Diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. (Only category 1)

► Wellness and prevention within counseling and treatment. (Only category 1)

► Crisis intervention techniques for counselors to use in response to disaster or other rapid onset trauma-causing events, including but not limited to, psychological first aid strategies. (Only category 1)

► Psychophysiological awareness and mindfulness in the counseling process. (Only category 1)

► Distance counseling. (Only category 1)

► Biofeedback used in a mental health setting. (Only category 1)

2.) Human Growth and Development. This content area provides an advanced understanding of the nature and needs of individuals at developmental levels and is

relevant to professional counselors and the counseling profession. Human Growth and Development topics include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

► Foundational and well-established theories, including, but not limited to, personality theory, life span theory, learning theory, and human development theory. (presenter Category 1 or 2 permitted)

► End-of-life issues within the scope of practice of mental health professionals. (Presenter category 1, 2, or 3)

► Information related to developmental crises; disabilities; and, situational, transitional, and environmental factors that affect behavior. (presenter Category 1, 2, or 3 permitted)

3.) Social and Cultural Foundations. This content area provides an understanding of the issues and trends in a multicultural and diverse society that impact professional counselors and the counseling profession. Social and Cultural Foundations topics include, but are not limited to, the following topics.

► Multicultural competency as a professional counselor. (Only category 1)

► Societal subgroups. (presenter Category 1, 2, or 3 permitted)

► Societal changes and trends. (presenter Category 1, 2, or 3 permitted)

► Mores and interaction