2025-Nominate for NAASC Arabidopsis Community Awards |
Nominations due 31 January 2025
NAASC seek nominations in three categories of Community Awards to recognize outstanding and deserving members of the Arabidopsis Community for their efforts that specifically benefit the Arabidopsis Community.
Information highlights are shown in the below images. Full information (including selection criteria) can be found on the Awards webpage.
Use this form to nominate a colleague (or yourself). You may nominate different people (up to 1 per award) in this form. If you have additional nominees beyond 1 per award, please fill out the web link nomination form additional times.
Nominees that advance to Round 2 will require a full package submitted by the Nominator consisting of nominee's CV & candidate statement (optional), & support letters from 3 people. Nominators will have ~2 months (due April 30) to put this together after we notify successful Round 1 nominators by ~Feb 28. For self-nominations, we will solicit the 3 support letters.
Nominators & Nominees must be members of the NAASC Arabidopsis Community group. If not already a member, register here (you may apply for a fee waiver at the bottom of page if the fee is a financial barrier. Past NAASC members are eligible for a 50% membership discount, lifetime membership excluded. To receive the NAASC discount code, request it by email to Joanna at arabidopsisconference@gmail.com). We will contact nominees that advance to Round 2 to become members, if necessary, and they may also apply for a waiver if the fee is a barrier.