Fire Safety Question Title Fire Safety Question Title * 1. Name Question Title * 2. Department Question Title * 3. In what situation should you NOT fight a fire? The fire has spread beyond its origin Smoke is filling the room Hazardous materials are involved All the Above Question Title * 4. It is okay to keep combustible or flammable materials near a heater. False True Question Title * 5. Lint traps and filters should be cleaned regularly. True False Question Title * 6. What is the proper way to extinguish a small fire? Pull the pin, squeeze the two handles together, aim the nozzle, sweep from side to side Squeeze the two handles together, aim the nozzle, pull the pin, sweep from side to side Pull the pin, aim the nozzle, squeeze the two handles together, sweep from side to side Question Title * 7. POLL: Do you know where your nearest fire extinguisher is? Yes No Done