Exit this survey Christian Women And The Military-Top 5 Temptations (2018) Question Title * 1. How old are you? 18-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years 46 years or older Question Title * 2. What is/was your military affiliation? Air Force Air Force Reserve Army Army Guard Army Reserve Navy Marines Coast Guard Question Title * 3. In what capacity are/were you affiliated with the military? Please check all that apply. I am in the military myself I was in the military I am the wife of a military member I am the wife of a veteran/retired military member Question Title * 4. How long have you been affiliated with the military? 5 years or less 10 years or less 15 years or less 20 years or less 21 years or more Question Title * 5. What are the top 5 temptations you have faced while affiliated with the military? Please rank order your selection from 1-5. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Bitterness/Resentment Bitterness/Resentment #1 Bitterness/Resentment #2 Bitterness/Resentment #3 Bitterness/Resentment #4 Bitterness/Resentment #5 Fear Fear #1 Fear #2 Fear #3 Fear #4 Fear #5 Pride Pride #1 Pride #2 Pride #3 Pride #4 Pride #5 Self-Pity Self-Pity #1 Self-Pity #2 Self-Pity #3 Self-Pity #4 Self-Pity #5 Anger Anger #1 Anger #2 Anger #3 Anger #4 Anger #5 Emotional/Mental Infidelity Emotional/Mental Infidelity #1 Emotional/Mental Infidelity #2 Emotional/Mental Infidelity #3 Emotional/Mental Infidelity #4 Emotional/Mental Infidelity #5 Lack of Financial Stewardship Lack of Financial Stewardship #1 Lack of Financial Stewardship #2 Lack of Financial Stewardship #3 Lack of Financial Stewardship #4 Lack of Financial Stewardship #5 Irresponsibility Irresponsibility #1 Irresponsibility #2 Irresponsibility #3 Irresponsibility #4 Irresponsibility #5 Emotional Eating Emotional Eating #1 Emotional Eating #2 Emotional Eating #3 Emotional Eating #4 Emotional Eating #5 Controlling Attitudes/Behavior Controlling Attitudes/Behavior #1 Controlling Attitudes/Behavior #2 Controlling Attitudes/Behavior #3 Controlling Attitudes/Behavior #4 Controlling Attitudes/Behavior #5 Withdrawal/Isolation from Others Withdrawal/Isolation from Others #1 Withdrawal/Isolation from Others #2 Withdrawal/Isolation from Others #3 Withdrawal/Isolation from Others #4 Withdrawal/Isolation from Others #5 Discontentment Discontentment #1 Discontentment #2 Discontentment #3 Discontentment #4 Discontentment #5 Envy/Jealousy Envy/Jealousy #1 Envy/Jealousy #2 Envy/Jealousy #3 Envy/Jealousy #4 Envy/Jealousy #5 Other Temptations (please specify) Question Title * 6. Do you have a personal story or situation that you would like to share that will illustrate the circumstances you faced as you grappled with these temptations? If so, please share it below. Question Title * 7. Have you ever sought help in overcoming these temptations from any of the people below? Chaplain Psychologist/Psychiatrist Church Pastor Supervisor Commander Ministry Leader Friend Biblical Counselor Other (please specify) Done