Insurance Business Elite Brokers ranking is back, now on its 13th year.

Brokers from across the country are invited to enter for a place on this prestigious report, which will rank Australia's best all-round brokers according to their performance in the 2023-24 financial year.

Insurance Business' unique methodology ensures all brokers are ranked on a level playing field regardless of the size of their business. The following entry form asks for a number of performance metrics including policies written, revenue generated and client retention.

Elite Brokers 2025 will be published online in March.

How to enter:

Simply complete the form below by providing some basic performance metrics from the 2024 financial year. All financial information will be treated as strictly confidential, and will not be published or shared with third parties (except for verification purposes).

Entries close Friday, 18 October.

For any questions or concerns, please contact

Question Title

* 1. Please select the statement that best describes your business:

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* 2. Entry details

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* 3. Number of policies personally written 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024

Question Title

* 4. Revenue (fees) personally generated from policies written 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024

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* 5. Number of clients on 1 July 2023

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* 6. Number of clients on 1 July 2024
(clients gained through acquisitions should not be included)

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* 7. Number of new clients introduced to the business 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024
(clients gained through acquisitions should not be included)

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* 8. Revenue (fees) generated from new clients introduced to the business 1 July 2023 - 30 June 2024
(revenue gained through acquisitions should not be included)

Question Title

* 9. Additional information to support your nomination (e.g. other industry or company awarded accolades, contributions made to the industry, mentoring, etc.)
Tell us here in 250 words or less

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* 10. Your details (if different to details provided above):

Question Title

* 11. The information provided in this submission is accurate to the best of my knowledge. If the above nomination is successful, I accept that any or all information provided (excluding financial information and information clearly marked as confidential) may be published on the Insurance Business website and will not be subject to an approval process.

For any questions or concerns, please contact