Spousal Maintenance/Alimony Experience Survey - Vermont Commission on Women

The Vermont legislature’s Spousal Support and Maintenance Task Force completed its public hearing on November 6th.  We do not expect that they will host another opportunity to hear from the public before issuing recommendations to the legislature.

We’ll continue to collect stories and perspectives from Vermont women on this issue.  Share your experience below or by contacting Hannah Lane at hannah.lane@vermont.gov or (802) 828-2852.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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* 1. What is your name? (optional)

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* 2. What is your gender?

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* 3. At what email address would you like to be contacted? (optional)

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* 4. At what phone number would you like to be contacted? (optional)

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* 5. Do you receive or pay Spousal Maintenance/Alimony as part of a separation or divorce in Vermont (or have you in the past)?

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* 6. Tell us about your experience with spousal maintenance/alimony in Vermont:

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* 7. Would you be willing to speak about your experience at a public hearing held by the taskforce?

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* 8. Would you prefer to share your story anonymously with the taskforce through written testimony submitted by the Vermont Commission on Women?