Mentoring is an essential component of our Chapter’s ambition to provide the best value to our student and young professional members and to attract and grow next generation of talent to the space and satellite industry. We welcome your interest in becoming a crucial part of this program as the MENTOR. We will appreciate your responses to our survey, which will help us to assess your fit for the program, match you to a Mentee and possibly start a mentoring relationship.

Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. Please provide your contact details

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* 5. Can you share any relevant information that you believe will qualify you to become the Mentor? Please share goals or accomplishments you have achieved and which you can mentor on.

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* 6. Are there any areas of expertise you would like to or are comfortable discussing with your Mentee?

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* 7. Are there any areas of interests that you like to discuss, or would be comfortable discussing with your Mentee?

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* 8. To make the best match with a Mentee, is there anything else you would like us to know or consider?

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* 9. How did you find out about this program?

Thank you for taking this survey.