Healthy Living Programs in Libraries

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your library?

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* 2. Community Type

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* 3. Population of Library Service Area

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* 4. Has your library ever hosted exhibits or programs on health?

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* 5. If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please list the titles and briefly describe the health exhibits or programs you have hosted:

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* 6. Would a bi-lingual (English/Spanish) exhibit/program be useful to your community?

Question Title

* 7. How interested is your library in hosting health exhibits or programs? (1 = Not at all interested, 5 = Very interested)

  1 2 3 4 5
Level of Interest

Question Title

* 8. What types of health exhibits or programs would your library be most interested in hosting?
(1 = Not at all interested, 5 = Very Interested

  1 2 3 4 5
Health Classes (like Zumba, Yoga, etc)
Interactive Exhibits
Panel Exhibits (pictures and text)
Health Fair
Health Screenings
Adult Lectures
Children's story hours
Hands-on workshops
Teacher workshops

Question Title

* 9. What health topics or issues would be most relevant for an exhibit or program at your library?
(1 = Not at all Relevant, 5 = Most Relevant)

  1 2 3 4 5
The Affordable Care Act
Access to health care
Child Health
Health Insurance
Health Literacy
Heart Health
Maternal/reproductive health
Respiratory Diseases
Substance Abuse

Question Title

* 10. Please briefly describe the type of health exhibit and/or program that you would most like to host at your library:

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* 11. Please briefly describe the types of health-related books or educational resources that your patrons most frequently check out or request:

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* 12. Has your library had programs presented by an Area Health Education Center?

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* 13. Would a series of programs on Chronic Disease Management be well attended at your library?

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* 14. Is there any other information about health-related programming you'd like to share with us?