CLMP 2025 Survey for SPD-Related Issues and Questions

Since Small Press Distribution (SPD) ceased operations on March 28, 2024, the Community of Literary Magazines and Presses (CLMP) has worked to help impacted publishers navigate the situation and restabilize. We distributed an initial survey to presses in April 2024, a follow-up survey in June 2024, and we’re now issuing a third survey to gauge how presses are faring approximately a year after SPD’s closure.

By participating in this survey, you agree to allow CLMP to share this data publicly in aggregate. We plan to issue a report with the survey's findings to distribute among the literary community and other literary stakeholders.
1.Contact name(Required.)
2.Email (Required.)
3.Publisher name(Required.)
4.Was your press distributed by SPD at the time of its closure on March 28, 2024?(Required.)
5.Is your press still operational?
6.Is your press working with a new distributor?
7.If you haven’t secured a new distributor, please briefly describe how you've been distributing your books since SPD's closure.
8.If your press is working with a distributor, what is the approximate sales breakdown of direct orders vs. sales fulfilled through your distributor?
9.On average, what was your annual sales income in the years leading up to SPD’s closure?
10.What was your approximate sales income for calendar year 2024?
11.What do you anticipate your sales income to be for 2025?
12.What is your press's annual operating budget?
13.Please describe the primary challenges your press is currently facing.
14.Do you believe that your press's titles are as visible as they were when distributed by SPD?
15.What, if anything, do you miss about your distribution setup with SPD?
16.Is your press planning on attending any in-person conferences this year (such as AWP, ALA, etc.)?
17.If yes, which conferences are you planning on attending in 2025?
18.What services or software does your press currently pay for to support your publishing operations?
19.What services or software would you be interested in using if you had the resources (such as Edelweiss, Submittable, royalty software, etc.)?
20.Do you have other questions or concerns you'd like to share with CLMP at this time? Are there any additional resources that CLMP could provide for your press?
Current Progress,
0 of 20 answered