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Question Title

* 1. Are you a past MBARI EARTH Teacher Workshop Participant?

Question Title

* 2. Rate your satisfaction with today:

  Not satisfied satisfied Very satisfied N/A

Question Title

* 3. For questions 3 and 4 - could you provide any more input on the rating that you gave? what did you like? didn't like? etc?

Question Title

* 4. Rate the pacing of yesterday/today:

  Too slow slow just right fast too fast
John Marra - Hawai'i Climate 101
Leon Geschwind - NOAA Inouye Regional Center, Science on a Sphere, Tour
Jim Potemra - PacIOOS Voyager
Eric Lau - Hurricans and Climate Change
Camryn Allen - The future is female
Chris Curran - Introduction to USGS water science in the Pacific Islands
Sarah Rosa - StreamStats Web Application
Alan Mair - The water cycle in Hawai'i
Scot Izuka - Hawai'i groundwater recharge tool
Heidi Kane - Stormtide Monitoring Program
Heather and Emily - PI CASC Education Hum
Dataset exploration

Question Title

* 5. Rate each of the following for today:

  Not very .. okay .. very
Relevance to your job
Appropriate for your students
Interesting to you
Useful to you

Question Title

* 6. Rate each of the following for today:

  Not enough just right too much
New learning/new content
New experiences
New teaching resources
Interactions with colleagues
Interactions with scientists
Interactions with workshop staff

Question Title

* 7. Please provide any comments on any part of the workshop experience:

Question Title

* 8. Thinking about what you can use in your teaching, what about today was MOST USEFUL? And, tell us why.

Question Title

* 9. Thinking about what you can use in your teaching, what about today was LEAST USEFUL? and, tell us why.

Question Title

* 10. Is there anything you need from us that would improve your experience during this workshop?

Question Title

* 11. What worked well and what didn't work? or what can we do to improve this next year?