Perceptions of Cochlear Implants by Adults with Hearing Loss (2023)
We are interested in hearing from you if you have a bilateral severe to profund hearing loss and either considered, or received, at least one cochlear implant after the age of 21.
Do you have a cochlear implant?
No (go to Question 5)
If you answered yes, when did you get your first cochlear implant?
Less than a year ago
1-3 years ago
3-10 years ago
More than 10 years ago
How long did you wait to move forward with your first cochlear implant (if you have more than one, just reference your first) after you first learned you were a candidate?
I did not wait--I moved forward as quickly as I could
6 months or less
6 months to one year
1-2 years
2-5 years
More than 5 years
If you had concerns or waited to move forward, what concerns did you have? Indicate all factors that you had concerns about.
I had difficulty with gaining health insurance coverage
Perception that cochlear implantation was not covered by health insurance
Concerns about the surgery
Had other medical/health issues that took precedence
Didn't want to lose my residual hearing
Thought I had too much hearing and I would lose more than I would gain
Felt that I was doing ok with my hearing aids, assistive listening devices and other access tools
Wanted to wait for the technology to improve
Heard that other hearing restoration options such as drug therapy or hair cell regeneration may be available soon
Heard negative comments about cochlear implants
Felt that I would not enjoy music
Was concerned about the way the CI looked and its visibility on the head
Found the process of negotiating the CI clinic overly difficult or negative
Lack of family or other support
Other (please specify)
If you DO NOT have a CI and you believe you are a candidate, why haven't you moved forward? (Select all items that are relevant reasons for you.)
I don't think that health insurance will cover the surgery and follow-up care
The co-pays for my health insurance are too high
I am fearful or concerned about the surgery
I have other medical/health issues that I am dealing with
I don't want to lose my remaining (residual) hearing and fear I will lose more than I will gain
I've been told cochlear implants don't work well
I believe that I won't enjoy music with a cochlear implant
I think I am getting along ok with hearing aids and other supports
I wish to wait for the cochlear implant technology to improve
I am waiting for availability of other hearing restoration options such as drug therapy or hair cell regeneration
I have generally heard negative comments about cochlear implants and/or viewed negative portrayals in film or in other media
I won't enjoy music
It was difficult to negotiate the process at the CI clinic, too many appointments, or I was treated poorly
I don't like the way the cochlear implant looks on the head
My family doesn't support the CI process
Other (please specify)
Now look at the list of factors in question 4 again. What were the THREE MOST IMPORTANT concerns you had at the time (or still have if you have not yet received a CI)? Please check off up to three most important concerns.
I don't think my health insurance will cover cochlear implantation
The out-of-pocket costs are too high
I am fearful or concerned about the surgery
I have other medical/health issues that take precedence
I don't want to lose my remaining residual hearing
I have been told cochlear implants don't work well
I won't enjoy music
I think I am getting along ok with my hearing aids and other supports
I'm waiting for the technology to improve
I am waiting for availability of other hearing restoration options such as drug therapy or hair cell regeneration
I've heard negative things about cochlear implants
I was not able to negotiate the clinic process/I didn't know what to do next
I don't like the way the cochlear implant looks on the head
My family doesn't support the CI
Other (please specify)
If you did not go forward with a CI, what might have helped you to make a positive decision?
Having access to research-based information in a format that is accessible to me and my family members
Kindness and understanding from the CI clinic / support in negotiating the CI process
Lower out-of-pocket costs or lower co-pay costs
Greater availability to CI clinicians to address my lingering questions and concerns
Interacting with recipients in person
Interacting with recipients online
Presence of a CI center within a closer geographical area
Other (please specify)
Are you willing to answer additional questions about your decision-making to help us better understand the cochlear implant process from the perspective of adults with significant hearing loss? If yes, please add your name and email address below. We will not share your personal information with anyone else.
Current Progress,
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