Question Title

* 1. How long have you been working on the installation of Solis inverters?

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* 2. Have you been involved in the conception, organization, or upkeep of projects utilizing Solis inverters? Could you briefly explain how you're involved?

Question Title

* 3. What specific reasons or advantages have led you to recommend Solis to your clients?

Question Title

* 4. What areas does Solis still need to work on, and do you have any recommendations for doing so?

Question Title

* 5. Name

Question Title

* 6. Company

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* 7. Email Address

Question Title

* 8. Please upload pictures or videos of the solar installation projects you have participated in that feature Solis inverters and indicate the Solis inverter model used, project capacity, and installation location. If uploading fails, please upload through WeTransfer or Google Drive and email the sharing link to Miya at

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