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* 1. Please provide the complete set of contact information for the primary practitioner/government agency associated with the program.

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* 2. Please provide the complete set of contact information for the industry partner associated with the program.

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* 3. What is the name of the program?

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* 4. Please describe the program in detail. Include information on the maturity of the program and the implementation date.

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* 5. How does the program improve the level of correction information technology standards and create awareness on the challenges impacting the corrections community?

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* 6. How does the program support industry and government in pursuit of national information sharing goals?

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* 7. How does the program provide leadership on issues facing information sharing in corrections as an integral function of the overall criminal justice information system?

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* 8. How does your program provide use for other correctional agencies?

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* 9. Summarize why you recommend this program for the IJIS Institute Corrections Information Technology Recognition.

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* 10. Please include your contact information as submitter of the nomination.