Participant information

Thank you for your interest in joining us for Work Experience at Live Theatre, Newcastle.

This year we are offering 15 students, aged between 14-18 (Year 10 through to sixth form) work experience placements during the week of, Monday 24th - Friday 28th June 2024.

Over the week we will lift the lid on all the roles needed to run a theatre! You will work alongside Live Theatres creative production, finance, marketing, front of house, technical & production, script writing and education departments.

You will also have the opportunity to work as a ensemble theatre company, developing your performance skills and work together to devise a short theatre piece over the week.

There are 15 spaces available.

Applications will open on Monday 12th February and close on Friday 15th March.
All applicants will be informed of the outcome during Week Beginning 25th March.

If you have any questions or would like any support in filling in the form please contact

If you would prefer to answer the questions verbally you can record a short video of yourself answering the questions and email this to Please keep your video to no more than 3 minutes if you can.

Please answer the questions as thoroughly as possible. As places are limited we will be selecting candidates based on the answers given to questions 6 and 7 so please think carefully about your reasons for wanting to do work experience with us at Live Theatre, and what you are hoping to get out of the experience.

Question Title

* 1. Participant Information

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Please provide us with the main email address(es) Live Theatre should use for all Live Youth Theatre communications.

17% of survey complete.