I've now published 10 issues of Frictionless and would love to know more about your preferences and how I can make it more useful. If you'd like to talk about how I can provide 1:1 assistance, please reach out to schedule time through the e-mail with the link to this survey.

Question Title

* 1. How would you describe your current role? You can check multiple boxes.

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* 2. Which of these describes your company size?

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* 3. Each issue of Frictionless includes 15+ links to articles and people. It normally is emailed on Tuesday or Wednesday at 7 a.m (Eastern time). When would you prefer to get it? (You can choose more than one box)

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* 4. Would you prefer to get weekly issues with fewer external links or a twice-monthly issue at the current length?

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* 5. I'd like to learn more about whether you're clicking the links in the newsletter. Please choose all that apply.

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* 6. What challenges do you have that I can help with (either through Frictionless topics or my services)?

Question Title

* 7. I am developing one-hour "Deep Dive" paid online webinars on some of the topics listed in Q5. I'd provide a live or recorded version, a post-webinar FAQ, and a transcript. Please tell me your initial view on these.

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* 8. Which of these Deep Dive topics would interest you? (choose all that apply)

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* 9. What would you pay for a Deep Dive webinar? Please help me think through the pricing model, and don't just hit the lowest price.

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* 10. (Optional) Please provide your contact information in case I would like to follow up.