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Congregational Feedback for Ministry & Personnel Committee

Question Title

* 1. 1.       How would you access the church if needed?

Rank: 1: Most preferred method, 7:Least preferred method

  1. In Person (drop in during scheduled office hours)
  2. Email team member only (Cathy, Rev. Richard, and/or   Rev. Michelle)
  3. Email general office managers email (then schedule an appointment if needed)
  4. Phone call to the office line/office manager (458-1183)
  5. Phone call (then schedule an appointment with staff member if needed)
  6. Text message
  7. Other

Question Title

* 2. 1.       How often would you come to the church office to make requests, for ministry services, for prayer and/or for church business?  Select the response that applies most to you. 

Question Title

* 3. If you could suggest church office hours, being considerate of your needs, as well as the needs of the community at large, what would you suggest?  Please place your response in the grey box below. 

                               Time: Open from ______ to ______

Question Title

* 4. If you could suggest days the church office would be open, being considerate of your needs, as well as the needs of the community at large, what would you suggest?  Check all that apply.

Question Title

* 5. If you have further suggestions, please comment below in the grey box. Thank you in advance for your thoughtful feedback. If you would like to provide your name, please do so.

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