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Municipal Plan Renewal and new Transportation & Mobility Plan

Are you a part of our community? If you're a current resident, aspiring resident, part of a community group, or anyone else who wants to help shape the future of Mount Pearl, we want to hear from you!

We are embarking on a journey to renew our Municipal Plan and develop a new Transportation and Mobility Plan. While the term “Municipal Plan” may not sound thrilling, it’s actually one of our most crucial documents as it will guide development in the years to come. Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey to help us plan for your future Mount Pearl.

Deadline for this survey is June 30, 2024.

Question Title

* 1. Which of these describe your relationship to the City of Mount Pearl?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. How many years have you lived in the City of Mount Pearl?

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* 4. Which of these phrases describes what would EXCITE YOU about Mount Pearl's future? Please select your top three. If we don't have what you would like to say, you can add your own words and phrases at the end.

Question Title

* 5. Which of these phrases would you use to describe WHAT CONCERNS YOU most about the future for Mount Pearl? Please select your top three. You can add your own words and phrases at the end.

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* 6. What housing type best describes the type of dwelling you live in?

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* 7. In relation to your current place of residence, which of the following apply to you?

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* 8. If you own your home, would you be able to buy the house you are currently living in with today's home prices and mortgage rates?

Question Title

* 9. What potential benefits of residential intensification are of most interest to you? Please rank each on a scale of low, medium or high priority.

  Low priority Medium priority High priority
Increasing housing affordability
Increasing housing options for residents
Attracting new residents and economic development
Increasing vibrancy with new individuals and families
More efficient use of existing services and infrastructure within Mount Pearl
Supporting a more walkable downtown and community
Securing financial sustainability to afford high level of services in the City

Question Title

* 10. What type of new housing opportunities would you like to see in Mount Pearl?

Question Title

* 11. Now think about the City of Mount Pearl you want in the future. Which words describe what you hope the City will be like in the next 30 years. Please select your top three choices. You can also add your own words at the end.

Question Title

* 12. How do you most often travel? For each type of trip (work, school, etc.) identify what mode of travel you use most often. (one for summer / winter)

  WORK-Summer WORK -Winter SCHOOL-Summer SCHOOL-Winter RECREATION-Summer RECREATION-Winter Other Activities-Summer Other Activities-Winter
Public Transit

Question Title

* 13. How do you most often travel? For each type of trip (work, school, etc.) identify what mode of travel you use most often. (one for summer / winter)

  WORK-Summer WORK -Winter SCHOOL-Summer SCHOOL-Winter RECREATION-Summer RECREATION-Winter Other Activities-Summer Other Activities-Winter
Public Transit

Question Title

* 14. How willing would you be to shift from a personal vehicle to other modes of transportation to get to work or school if they provided a good level of service to you?

  Yes No
Very likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Very unlikely

Question Title

* 15. If you picture the next 5 years, what would be your biggest transportation priorities? Please select up to your top 3.

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* 16. If you are working, do you have flexible work arrangements that help you travel outside of the busiest weekday peak hours of roadway traffic?

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* 17. What are the most important factors you consider when choosing how to travel?

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* 18. If you don’t regularly walk, bike, roll, etc....why not?

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* 19. If you don’t regularly take public transit…why not?

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* 20. When is it most difficult to travel through Mount Pearl?

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* 21. Does traffic congestion cause you to change your driving habits?

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* 22. Where in Mount Pearl do you experience the greatest traffic congestion?

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* 23. Is it difficult to find vacant parking in Mount Pearl when you need it?

Goods Movement involves the use of trucks an larger vehicles to move goods to locations we need them.

Question Title

* 24. Do larger trucks travelling on the roadways regularly create challenging driving conditions, or make you feel uncomfortable?

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* 25. Do trucks loading and unloading on the side of the roadway regularly create challenging driving conditions, or make you feel uncomfortable?

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* 26. Thank you for participating in this survey. If you have any other comments, please provide them below.

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