I feel welcome and respected at my school.
I feel welcome and respected at my school. Strongly Agree
I feel welcome and respected at my school. Agree
I feel welcome and respected at my school. Disagree
I feel welcome and respected at my school. Strongly Disagree
My school has a positive learning environment.
My school has a positive learning environment. Strongly Agree
My school has a positive learning environment. Agree
My school has a positive learning environment. Disagree
My school has a positive learning environment. Strongly Disagree
There is an atmosphere of open communication at my school.
There is an atmosphere of open communication at my school. Strongly Agree
There is an atmosphere of open communication at my school. Agree
There is an atmosphere of open communication at my school. Disagree
There is an atmosphere of open communication at my school. Strongly Disagree
I would recommend this school to other parents.
I would recommend this school to other parents. Strongly Agree
I would recommend this school to other parents. Agree
I would recommend this school to other parents. Disagree
I would recommend this school to other parents. Strongly Disagree
The school maintains high standards of behavior.
The school maintains high standards of behavior. Strongly Agree
The school maintains high standards of behavior. Agree
The school maintains high standards of behavior. Disagree
The school maintains high standards of behavior. Strongly Disagree
I feel my child is safe at my school.
I feel my child is safe at my school. Strongly Agree
I feel my child is safe at my school. Agree
I feel my child is safe at my school. Disagree
I feel my child is safe at my school. Strongly Disagree
My student's teacher maintains discipline without being overly harsh or rigid.
My student's teacher maintains discipline without being overly harsh or rigid. Strongly Agree
My student's teacher maintains discipline without being overly harsh or rigid. Agree
My student's teacher maintains discipline without being overly harsh or rigid. Disagree
My student's teacher maintains discipline without being overly harsh or rigid. Strongly Disagree