Data Form for Candidates

Please complete and submit this data sheet no later than 30 September 2024.

For full details on eligibility and criteria, please revert to the Lennart Philipson Award web page.

Question Title

* 1. Your Personal Details

Question Title

* 2. Your current work details

Question Title

* 3. Please upload a CV

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 4. Please write a description of your innovation in the field of translational research in human health or technology innovation in the life sciences, research leading to this innovation and role in it (no more than 500 words)

The translational or technological innovation might include for example developing new diagnostic tools, methods, or therapies; significant contributions to novel drugs to treat previously poorly treated conditions or to the discovery and development of therapeutic antibodies; development of broad enabling technologies in life sciences (plasmids, strains, human disease-relevant animal-models, screening and production technologies); instrumentation development, and bioinformatics.

Question Title

* 5. Please write a description of the impact and validation of your research (no more than 500 words)

Please describe the novelty of the innovation, the impact in the field, the breadth of the innovation and the potential links to societal benefits
Please describe the validation of the technology or scientific invention.
The application will be judged on information like technology uptake by a diverse set of laboratories or dispersion across a range of research fields, product development or out-licencing, secured IPR protection (e.g. patents), drug development status, proof of concept in clinical trial or foundation of a start-up company. Therefore, we invite applicants to directly address these points.

Question Title

* 6. List up to 10 papers that represent most clearly the technological or scientific innovation.

Question Title

* 7. Please list up to three referees who will be contacted should you be shortlisted for the award.

Referee 1

Question Title

* 8. Referee 2

Question Title

* 9. Referee 3