1. Proposal 1

Please note if you are responding on behalf of the early learning sector and wish to provide feedback on the NELP proposal only, you can skip to proposal 7 by clicking the next button at the bottom of the survey page.

Make educational achievement the primary objective for school boards with the other current objectives retained as necessary for the achievement of the primary

Section 127 of the Act currently sets out four primary objectives for all State schools. In summary, these are that:
  • Every student is able to attain their highest possible standard in educational achievement.
  • The school is physically and emotionally safe.
  • The school caters to different learning needs.
  • The school gives effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi | the Treaty of Waitangi.

These are legislative obligations and schools are required to give effect to them.

The Government proposes to make educational achievement the primary objective for school boards (i.e. the first current objective listed above). The other objectives would be expressly retained as necessary to the achievement of the primary objective. For example, to meet the primary achievement objective, school boards would still need to give effect to Te Tiriti/ the Treaty and the objectives that will be included in section 127.

This is intended to refocus schools on their primary role, which is to provide every child with the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability.

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* 1. Do you agree with the proposal to make student achievement the primary objective, with the other objectives included as necessary to achieve the primary objective?

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* 2. Do you have any views or comments to make on this proposal?

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10% of survey complete.