What Constitutes Illegal Price Fixing? A Discussion Among Experts on Tightening Judicial Standards

This online course has been approved by the Pennsylvania Continuing Legal Education Board for 2.5 CLE credit hours.

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5.In the view of the panelists, do courts apply the “plausibility” standard of Twombly consistently, so cases based on similar allegations are decided the same way most of the time?
6.In the view of the panelists, has it become, in the absence of direct evidence, increasingly difficult for a plaintiff to survive past the summary judgment stage?
7.Did the Court in Twombly say that a heightened pleading standard applies in antitrust cases?
8.Does Twombly give additional discretion to judges in deciding motions to dismiss?
9.Is alleging parallel conduct with plus factors the only way to plead a Section 1 collusion claim?
10.Pennsylvania Attorneys Only - Evaluation
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