
BUCS is asking UK students in higher education to complete this survey so we can better understand student wellbeing, graduate outcomes and student activity patterns. If you don’t play a sport or go to the gym, it doesn’t matter! We still want to hear from you.

We will ask some questions about you and where you study, what activities you take part in, your wellbeing, your skills, and how you chose your college or university. BUCS and your college or university will use this information to improve the student experience. You will have control over whether this data is shared with your institution anonymously.

If you complete the survey, you will be entered into a PRIZE DRAW! Prizes include: one £200 Amazon voucher or one of five £125 Amazon vouchers. We will contact the winners in the new year by email.

Question Title

* BUCS will be the controller of your data, in full compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018. For further details please see our privacy policy here.

Do you consent to take part in this research?

3% of survey complete.