2023 ACH Development Webinar Series with The Rippel Foundation
Thank you for joining the webinar series with The Rippel Foundation. Your feedback is important to us!

Question Title

* 1. First and Last Name (Optional)

Question Title

* 3. Overall, how useful was the ACH Development webinar series for the work of your ACH?

Question Title

* 4. Please rate how useful each webinar was to you:

  Extremely useful Very useful Moderately useful Slightly useful Not at all useful N/A
07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides)
09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides)
10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides)
11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides)

Question Title

* 5. What content is sticking with you the most from the webinars? How are you applying what you've learned from the webinars in your ACH?

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* 6. How committed are you to deepening your stewardship practice in the next year?

Question Title

* 7. To what extent did you find the following ACH development TA design elements useful?

  Extremely useful Somewhat useful Not at all useful N/A
Post webinar key takeaways documents
Break out groups
Polls and open dialogue
Shared resources and tools

Question Title

* 8. What can we do to improve this series or similar offerings in the future? (Related to content, design, and/ or facilitation)

Demographic Information (Optional)

Question Title

* 9. Are you:

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* 10. How would you describe your ethnicity?

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* 11. How would you describe your race? (Select all that apply)

Thank you for completing the survey. Please click DONE to submit your responses.