2023 ACH Development Webinar Series with The Rippel FoundationThank you for joining the webinar series with The Rippel Foundation. Your feedback is important to us! Question Title * 1. First and Last Name (Optional) Question Title * 2. Name of ACH All in For Azusa Antelope Valley - Violence Prevention ACH Butte County ACH Caring Together Santa Barbara County Child Safety Forward Sacramento Compton Healthy Contra Costa ACH CRSSLA (Community Response System of South Los Angeles) Network East San Jose PEACE Partnership Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership (FCHIP) Health Action Together (Sonoma County) Health Innovation Community Partnership - Boyle Heights ACH Healthy Havenscourt Collaborative Accountable Community for Health Healthy Mendocino Hope Rising Lake County Humboldt Community Health Trust Imperial County (ICACH) LA Reentry Council ACH Live Well Madera County Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services Community Advisory Board Marin 9 to 25 Merced County Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN) ACH OC Network of Care One San Pedro Alliance Orange County API Task Force Placer County ACH Network Reinvent South Stockton Coalition, a project of Tides Center San Diego Accountable Community for Health Shasta Health Assessment and Redesign Collaborative South County Triage Group (SCTG) South County Youth Task Force's (SCYTF) South County Health Equity for All Leadership Initiative (SC HEALs!) The Redwood City - North Fair Oaks ACH Unincorporated Health and Wealth Initiative Uplift San Bernardino Ventura County Accountable Community for Health West Sacramento Accountable Communities for Health (WSACH) N/A Question Title * 3. Overall, how useful was the ACH Development webinar series for the work of your ACH? Extremely useful Very useful Moderately useful Somewhat useful Not at all useful N/A Extremely useful Very useful Moderately useful Somewhat useful Not at all useful N/A Question Title * 4. Please rate how useful each webinar was to you: Extremely useful Very useful Moderately useful Slightly useful Not at all useful N/A 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) Extremely useful 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) Very useful 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) Moderately useful 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) Slightly useful 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) Not at all useful 07.24.23 Strengthening Shared Stewardship (Slides) N/A 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) Extremely useful 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) Very useful 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) Moderately useful 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) Slightly useful 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) Not at all useful 09.26.23 Highly Effective Teams (Slides) N/A 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) Extremely useful 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) Very useful 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) Moderately useful 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) Slightly useful 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) Not at all useful 10.23.23 Understanding Systems and Building Interdependence (Slides) N/A 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) Extremely useful 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) Very useful 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) Moderately useful 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) Slightly useful 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) Not at all useful 11.13.23 Resident Engagement (Slides) N/A Question Title * 5. What content is sticking with you the most from the webinars? How are you applying what you've learned from the webinars in your ACH? Question Title * 6. How committed are you to deepening your stewardship practice in the next year? Extremely committed Somewhat committed Not at all committed Unsure Extremely committed Somewhat committed Not at all committed Unsure Question Title * 7. To what extent did you find the following ACH development TA design elements useful? Extremely useful Somewhat useful Not at all useful N/A Post webinar key takeaways documents Post webinar key takeaways documents Extremely useful Post webinar key takeaways documents Somewhat useful Post webinar key takeaways documents Not at all useful Post webinar key takeaways documents N/A Break out groups Break out groups Extremely useful Break out groups Somewhat useful Break out groups Not at all useful Break out groups N/A Polls and open dialogue Polls and open dialogue Extremely useful Polls and open dialogue Somewhat useful Polls and open dialogue Not at all useful Polls and open dialogue N/A Shared resources and tools Shared resources and tools Extremely useful Shared resources and tools Somewhat useful Shared resources and tools Not at all useful Shared resources and tools N/A Question Title * 8. What can we do to improve this series or similar offerings in the future? (Related to content, design, and/ or facilitation) Demographic Information (Optional) Question Title * 9. Are you: Male Female Transgender Genderqueer, neither exclusively male nor female Prefer not to answer Question Title * 10. How would you describe your ethnicity? Latino, Latina, or Hispanic Not Latino, Latina, or Hispanic Prefer not to answer Question Title * 11. How would you describe your race? (Select all that apply) American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other (please specify) [would add a box for them to add to here] Prefer not to answer Thank you for completing the survey. Please click DONE to submit your responses. Done