Community Board 7 Small Business Survey

As we look toward our communities’ recovery from this pandemic, we believe it is essential for us to have snapshot our small business community.  This survey is designed to provide Community Board 7 with data about the status of small businesses within the district.  Please fill out as accurately as possible. Please email us at if you have questions about this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Type of Business

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* 2. Status of Business

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* 3. Number of Employees

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* 4. Does your business rent, own property or do you usually work from home?

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* 5. Please provide approximate percentages for each of the following expenses?

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* 6. As you move forward what is your most pressing need?

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* 7. (Renters only) Have you been in touch with your landlord?

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* 8. Is your landlord offering:

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* 9. What type of assistance have you received?

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* 10. We'd like to stay in touch to share resources and information. Please share your contact information.