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Get Outdoors Nevada is partnering with the communities surrounding the park to obtain input to help shape the recreational conversation with the National Park Service. “More to Mead” is an effort by Lake Mead National Recreation Area to identify community ideas and priorities for recreational opportunities beyond motorized boating. (This does not mean Lake Mead is stopping motorized boating.) The goal is to identify implementable ideas that could benefit the regional community at large for both personal recreation access and economic draws that could benefit the area for years to come.

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* 1. How would you identify yourself? (Check all that apply):

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* 2. If you are a business owner/operator, how connected to Lake Mead is your business interest? (choose one)

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* 3. What town do you reside in?

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* 4. How often do you visit Lake Mead National Recreation Area? (choose one)

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* 5. Please rank non-motorized boating recreational activities, with the most important at the top and least important at the bottom.

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Lake Mead NRA Area Map: Use the following map to answer the next question.

Please refer to this map when answering the following question regarding specific areas of the park.

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* 6. Please rank areas of the park that you think should be focused on for new recreational priorities, with the top being most important and the bottom least important (Refer to the map).

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* 7. Do you have specific ideas or suggestions for projects and locations? Please provide details like location, specific amenities, and why

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* 8. For this question, using a scale of 1-5 stars, with 1 being not at all important to 5 being extremely important, how would you rate the following:

  Not at all important Extremely important
Interesting interpretive/educational signage across the park
Directional and rule signage across the park (e.g. no camping allowed, stay on trail, road number)
Guided hike offerings
Star gazing opportunities
Music in the park opportunities
Volunteer opportunities inside the park
School field trip opportunities inside the park
Rangers provide in-school presentations
Joint park-community programs outside of the park

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* 9. Do you need access to wheelchair-accessible or adaptive recreational resources? (Select all that apply)

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* 10. Is there any additional information you would like to provide about wheelchair/adaptive accessibility and the park?

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* 11. Please share any additional ideas or thoughts you’d like regarding Lake Mead NRA, including recreational opportunities, events, or partnerships your community would like to have with the Park.

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* 12. If you would like to receive follow-up on the status of the More to Mead project and other Lake Mead announcements please provide your email

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