Dart Harbour Mooring Policy Consultation

Your thoughts on key changes since previous editions

Thankyou for participating in our consultation.  The Policy can be found in full here.  

Our Moorings Policy contains all information about how we manage the various moorings in Dart Harbour. We have had a number of editions of this policy, and we are making a significant update to this policy, taking the best elements of the various editions.

The closing date for feedback is Monday 22nd April 2023. 
All feedback received by this date will be considered, and a reply will be made, explaining what changes we have made in the light of the feedback, or why we have not done so.  A summary of feedback will also be posted on our website.
As there are a significant number of changes, we have included in section 7 a list of key alterations, and an impact assessment for each.  We have also included in section 1.2 a list of all those sections that are likely to impact a typical leisure berth holder.  The first section of this consultation runs through the changes listed in section 7
1.Section 4 - Do you think that the requirements for vessels on Dart Harbour moorings are reasonable
2.Section 4 - Do you think that the new rule for vessels on Dart Harbour moorings to be fitted with sewage holding tanks or other systems are reasonable
3.Section 5 - What is your opinion of the changes to tender / dinghy ratios
4.Section 5 - What is your opinion of the restrictions on visiting boats laying up.
5.Section 5 - What is your opinion of allowing longer stays on certain short-stay dinghy moorings at a fee
6.Section 5 - What is your opinion of commercial moorings having priority on waiting lists, and the need for commercial businesses to remain active and viable
7.Section 5 - What is your opinion of changes to rules for foreshore and anchorages, restricting length of stay.
8.Section 6 - What is your opinion of reducing the waiting list for electric and similar boats
9.Section 6 - What is your opinion of reducing the waiting list on certain berths for those who live within walking distance of their mooring
10.Section 6 - What is your opinion of allowing moorings to be transferred to a close relative on the death of a customer
11.Section 6 - What is your opinion of restricting boat partnerships to avoid them being used as a means of transferring moorings