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Community Values and Issues Survey

Under the NSW Coastal Reforms, future coastal management for these three estuaries will take the form of a Coastal Management Program (CMP). The purpose of the CMP will be to establish an integrated program for the coordinated management of the estuaries, in order to maintain and enhance their social, cultural, economic and environmental values.

Coffs Harbour City Council is commencing the CMP process for the three estuaries, which will be prepared through a five-stage risk management process described in the NSW Coastal Management Manual.
During Stage 1 of the CMP process, it is important to understand what the community values about these estuaries, so that Council can identify key issues and develop cost-effective solutions. 
Therefore, we would like the local community to assist us with this survey, and  provide some information about:
  • How often you visit these estuaries and what activities you engage in whilst there;
  • What the you considers to be the most important ecological, social, cultural, aesthetic, recreational, and economic values of the estuaries;
  • Your perceptions of key issues and attitudes towards potential management options.

The survey includes 10 questions, and should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 2. How often do you visit these estuaries (either the water body or the foreshore)?

  Daily Weekly Monthly Occasionally Rarely Never
Moonee Creek
Coffs Creek
Boambee Newports Creek

Question Title

* 3. When you visit these estuaries, which of the following activities do you engage in?

  Walking, running or other exercise Nature observation (enjoying the scenery) Water activities (swimming, snorkelling etc) Watercraft activities (kayaking, paddle boarding etc) Relaxing Picnics / BBQs Fishing  Boating Camping I don't visit this estuary
Moonee Creek
Coffs Creek
Boambee Newports Creek

Question Title

* 4. When you think about these three estuaries generally, how important are the following values to you?

  Not Important Somewhat Important Very Important Unsure / Don’t Know
Natural ecosystems and biodiversity: the estuaries support a range of natural systems and wildlife
Water quality: the estuaries possess good water quality that supports ecosystems and recreational use
Recreational amenity: the estuaries provide opportunities for recreational use and activities
Scenic amenity: the estuaries are beautiful and provide the area with natural character
Cultural heritage values: the estuaries possess historic and spiritual importance and uses for the traditional owners
Economic values: the estuaries support local businesses and tourism
Agricultural productivity: the estuaries support local agriculture
Research and education values: the estuaries provide opportunities for research and education

Question Title

* 5. For each estuary, what value is most important to you? 

  Natural ecosystems and biodiversity Water quality Recreational amenity Scenic amenity Economic values Agricultural productivity Research and education values Unsure / Don’t Know
Moonee Creek
Coffs Creek
Boambee Newports Creek

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* 6. What words or phrases would you use to describe what you value about these estuaries?

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* 7. What issues are you most concerned about for each estuary?

  Poor water quality Pollution Agricultural impacts (runoff and water quality) Urban development impacts (stormwater runoff) Sewage effluent and septic runoff Erosion Sedimentation (sediment build up) Flooding and inundation Climate change and sea level rise Loss of native flora and fauna Pests (animals and weeds) Loss of cultural heritage values Overcrowding of the waterways and/or foreshore from recreational use and tourism Limited or lack of facilities and infrastructure (walkways, boat ramps etc) Unsure Not worried about anything
Moonee Creek
Coffs Creek
Boambee Newports Creek

Question Title

* 8. Overall, when you think about these estuaries, which of the following do you believe are the most important factors to consider when making decisions about estuary management actions? Please rank these factors from (1) most important to (7) least important

  1. Maintaining foreshore and waterway access for amenity and recreational use
  2. Provision of open space areas and public facilities
  3. Ensuring good water quality and estuary health
  4. Maintaining estuary vegetation and natural ecosystems
  5. Maintaining / conserving / enhancing native fish stocks and fish habitat
  6. Protecting private residences and properties
  7. The financial cost of estuary management actions

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* 9. Let us know if there is anything else you would like to share with us about these estuaries that may be relevant for the Coastal Management Program?

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* 10. Finally, would you like to be kept updated on the Coastal Management Program?

0 of 10 answered