Monroe County Gigabit Project |
Competitive Procurement Locations
Thank you for your interest in the Request for Proposals ("RFP") for the “Monroe County Gigabit Project.” As you know, the initiative is designed to rapidly and significantly improve the region’s broadband infrastructure. The Project aims to deliver high-speed Internet access to Monroe County. Over many years we have fine-tuned an innovative procurement process that aggregates demand for Internet access among organizations within a county or region in order to increase capacity while simultaneously cutting costs. As stated in your Intent to Participate Letter, organizations will have no legal obligation to buy any service or pay any fees, but by aggregating demand through the RFP we expect to uncover many new opportunities for fast, super-fast and ultra-fast broadband services throughout the County.
The survey should take no more than 6-8 minutes to complete. Having street addresses and phone numbers for your site locations will help complete the survey faster. By promptly completing the survey, we can speed the release of the RFP. Thank you.