Questionnaire for Community Involvement Plan

Thank you for agreeing to provide the California Air National Guard (CA ANG) with information about the most effective communication methods regarding your interest in the environmental cleanup activities at the Moffett Field CAANG Base (CA ANGB). The Environmental Restoration Program (ERP) focuses on investigating and addressing impacts that occurred in the past due to spills, leaks, or historical practices. In addition, the CA ANG is investigating the use of fire-suppressing materials at the airfield that contained per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and the potential need for any cleanup process.

The questionnaire results will be summarized and included in the Moffett Field CA ANGB Community Involvement Plan update to be posted on the Administrative Record ( This questionnaire is voluntary, confidential, and a greatly appreciated community service.

If you choose to complete this survey, * denotes a required field.

Acronym Key
ANG: Air National Guard
ANGB: Air National Guard Base
ERP: Environmental Restoration Program
PFAS: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances

Question Title

* 1. What is your home zip code?

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* 2. How long have you lived and/or worked in the area?

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* 3. Have you or a family member ever worked at Moffett Field CA ANGB? If so, when?

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* 4. How would you describe your role in the community? (check all that apply)

Environmental Investigation Knowledge and Interest

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* 5. Are you aware of environmental restoration activities being conducted at Moffett Field CA ANGB?

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* 6. How familiar are you with the PFAS environmental investigations at Moffett Field CA ANGB?

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* 7. Are there aspects of the ERP at Moffett Field CA ANGB that interest you? Please rate your level of interest:

  Not Interested Slightly Interested Moderately Interested Very Interested
Health and Safety

Question Title

* 8. How do you typically get local community news in general? Please check all the boxes that apply and provide details (websites, newspapers, radio and television stations, etc.) in the comment box below.

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* 9. How would you like to receive information about the Moffett Field CA ANGB environmental investigation and remediation projects? Please check your preferred methods:

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* 10. What frequency would you recommend for sharing ERP information?

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* 11. What has your experience been with the Moffett Field CA ANGB, the California Department of Environmental Protection (CalDEP), Santa Clara County, or any other agencies regarding the Base?

  No Experience Poor Experience Adequate Experience Good Experience Excellent Experience
Moffett Field CA ANGB
Santa Clara County
Public Meetings

Question Title

* 12. Would you be interested in participating in a public meeting?

50% of survey complete.