Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. The purpose of the survey is to learn more about perceptions of substance use by youth in your community. Participation in this survey is voluntary and anonymous. You will not be asked your name anywhere on the survey, and only aggregate data will be used and reported. There are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each question by marking the space that best represents your attitudes, beliefs, or feelings. For the purposes of this survey, “youth” are defined as those 17 years old or younger, primarily teens in high school.
When answering the remaining questions please consider the answer to “Where do you live?” as “your community.”

Question Title

Where do you live?

In your opinion how much of a problem is each of the following in your community?

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Alcohol use in the community among youth.

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Marijuana use in community among youth.

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Mental health issues like suicide, stress, anxiety and depression.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

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It is okay for youth to drink at parties as long as they don’t get drunk.

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It is okay for youth to use marijuana.

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Youth should be able to drink as long as they don’t drive afterwards.

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It is okay for parents to offer alcoholic beverages in their home to their own children.

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It is okay for parents to offer alcoholic beverages in their home to youth other than their own children.

In your opinion, how difficult is it for youth in your community to…

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Buy alcohol at stores themselves?

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Use a fake ID to purchase alcohol?

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Get an older person to buy alcohol for them?

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Take alcohol from their home without permission?

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Take alcohol from a friend’s home without permission?

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Get their parents to give them alcohol?

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Get another family member to give them alcohol?

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Buy marijuana at a store themselves?

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Buy marijuana online themselves?

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Get another person to buy marijuana for them?

To what extent do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

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I am aware of programs in my community that address alcohol and other drug use prevention.

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I am aware of coalitions in my community that address alcohol and other drug use prevention.

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I am aware of the “Raising Healthy Teens” campaign.

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I am aware of the “Strength in Numbers” campaign.

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What is your age?

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What is your gender?

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Are you a parent or caregiver for children in your home?