Informed Consent

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The purposes of this form are to give you information that may affect your decision whether to say YES or NO to participation in this research, and to record the consent of those who say YES. The title of this research project is Multiple Minority Stress and Its Impact on Psychological Distress and Substance Use. Data will be collected via an online survey.


Several studies have been conducted looking into the subject of minority stress, or additive stress caused by the effects of having a minoritized identity. Aspects of minority stress include victimization, discrimination, and internalized negativity. Some research suggests that the effects of minority stress may be compounded for individuals with multiple minoritized identities.

If you decide to participate, then you will join a study involving research of minority stress, mental health, and substance use completed via a survey. If you say YES, then your participation should last for less than 15 minutes at a location of your choosing, since the survey will be completed online. Approximately 100 additional participants will be participating in this study.


To participate you should be at least 18 years old and identify as LGBTQ+ or having a minoritized sexual identity.


RISKS: If you decide to participate in this study, then you may face a risk of answering questions related to minority stress, psychological distress, and substance use. The researcher tried to reduce these risks by including resources to aid in coping or seeking help. And, as with any research, there is some possibility that you may be subject to risks that have not yet been identified.

BENEFITS: The main benefit to you for participating in this study is helping a doctoral student with their dissertation research. Others may benefit by learning more about compounding effects of minority stress. This research may help mental health professionals to better understand and aid individuals with minoritized identities.


The researchers want your decision about participating in this study to be absolutely voluntary. Yet they recognize that your participation may pose some inconvenience due to the time needed to complete the survey. The researchers are unable to give you any payment for participating in this study. However, if you would like to be eligible to win one of four $20.00 Amazon gift cards, you may choose to include your email after completing the survey.

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If the researchers find new information during this study that would reasonably change your decision about participating, then they will give it to you.


The researchers will not use this information for future research without further informed consent.


All information obtained about you in this study is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. The results of this study may be used in reports, presentations and publications, but the researcher will not identify you. Each participant will be assigned a random participant ID number in order to maintain confidentiality.


It is OK for you to say NO. Even if you say YES now, you are free to say NO later, and walk away or withdraw from the study -- at any time. Your decision will not affect your relationship with Regent University, or otherwise cause a loss of benefits to which you might otherwise be entitled.


If you say YES, then your consent in this document does not waive any of your legal rights. However, in the event of harm arising from this study, neither Regent University nor the researchers are able to give you any money, insurance coverage, free medical care, or any other compensation for such injury. In the event that you suffer injury as a result of participation in this research project, you may contact the responsible principal investigator, Michelle Legan, at or the current HSRC chair at at Regent University, who will be glad to review the matter with you.

Michelle Legan, M.A.

Heather Keefe, Psy.D.

If at any time you feel pressured to participate, or if you have any questions about your rights or this form, then you should contact the current HSRC chair, at or 757-352-4296.

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* 3. For those that complete the study questionnaire, there will be an opportunity for you to enter a raffle for a $20 Amazon gift card by submitting your email address. Your email will not be kept with your survey data and will only be used to randomly select the raffle recipient.

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* 4. By selecting "yes," you are stating several things. You are stating that you have read this description or have had it read to you, that you are satisfied that you understand this description, the research study, and its risks and benefits.