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Central Ministry Involvement Survey

It is the desire of the leadership that every member at Central becomes involved in serving others, either here in our church family, local community, or across the globe.

Below are several ministry areas where you can get involved. There also will be several opportunities throughout the year to get involved – church camp, mission trips, our annual youth rally (SOAR), church-wide events, committees, etc.

Please mark any areas in which you are interested in getting involved, or would like more information. Once you have submitted this form, you will be contacted by the appropriate leader to answer any questions you may have to get you plugged in.

If you have any additional questions, please contact our Minister (Scott Patterson) at or 706-855-0801 (church office)

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Nursery Worker: (6 months to 24 months) – Sun AM / Sun PM

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* 3. Spring Egg Hunt: Done around Easter weekend at Steed’s Dairy. We have an egg hunt for the younger kids and then for the older kids too. We have a big picnic style lunch together there and Steed’s Dairy has plenty of playground type games too.

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* 4. Vacation Bible School: Done annually either in June or July on a Sun-Wed. We have Bible story time, crafts, snacks, songs, games, and more.

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* 5. Back 2 School Bash: Done around the time the kids are going back to school - This event is usually at the church building and includes lots of games, food, and fun.

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* 6. Trunk-R-Treat: Done around Halloween at the church building - Members decorate their trunks and pass out candy. We also have food, games, a costume contest and more.

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* 7. Christ Kids: Christ Kids is done each Sunday PM with kids ages 2-1st grade in the back of our fellowship hall. It includes Bible memory work, games, puppets, Bible story time, songs, and more. We currently have 4 Christ Kids teams. Each team takes a Sunday of the month.

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* 8. Paper Prayers: This is done once a quarter on a Sunday afternoon in the fellowship hall. All kids Nursery-5th are invited to draw pictures and write/color notes to those who are sick, etc.

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* 9. Movie Nights: A few times a year the kids ministry has a movie night at the church. Popcorn, fun, and a kid’s movie are enjoyed by all.

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* 10. SOAR Youth Rally: SOAR is Central’s annual Youth Rally (grades 6th-12th) that we’ve been doing since 2003. There are many areas to serve in for this weekend event from – Security, Class Monitor, Food, Games, Setup, Cleanup, Registration, and more.

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* 11. Palmetto Bible Camp – 3rd Week: Bible camp week is usually the last week in June. We always take a large crowd to camp. We need plenty of adults who can come and be kitchen workers, work as counselors, work on special projects and more.

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* 12. Lock-OUT or Lock-IN: There is usually one Lock-IN/Out event each year with our Youth Group. It’s always held in the summer and starts on a Friday night and ends on a Saturday morning. Plenty of adult chaperones are always needed.

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* 13. Annual Retreat: Once a year the Youth Group heads out of town on a retreat that is just focused on them. They get closer and bond and work on their unity. Chaperones, drivers, people to make food and do lessons and games are all needed.

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* 14. Youth Devotionals: Throughout the year the Youth Group will have devotionals. They are usually held at someone’s home and the host will take care of dinner while Casey does the devotional thought. Adults who can host are needed.

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* 15. Teen-Led Worship Services: Three or four times a year the teen boys will do the worship service on a Sunday night. Adults are needed to help these boys’ practice and get better at each element of worship.

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* 16. Progressive Dinner and Holiday Party: This event is held in the month of December. The Youth Group will go from house to house until they end up at the building doing a dirty Santa gift exchange. Adults are needed to help drive, host a meal in their home, and more.

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* 17. Fun Activities (Youth Group): These range from anything from a Mystery Dinner and Green Jackets Baseball Game to Kayaking on the Canal or simply going out to a movie.

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* 18. Service Projects (Youth Group): Service projects happen throughout the year and vary. It could be working at the food bank or visiting shut-ins. It also could be raking someone’s yard or working on the church grounds. Drivers and chaperones are always needed.

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* 19. Youth Rallies / Conferences (Youth Group): These events include - PBC Spring Youth Rally, Legacy @ Faulkner University, & Exposure Youth Camp. Drivers and adult chaperones are always needed.

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* 20. College & Young Professionals: This group has their own Bible class on Sundays throughout the summer quarter but is combined the rest of the year with the Young Families Group. This group is comprised typically of folks who are 18-25 years old who are either in school or already in the working world.

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* 21. Young Families: This group has their own Bible class every Sunday and Wednesday throughout the year. It’s comprised of folks of different ages who are single, married, married w/kids and more. Activities that this group enjoys together include Bible studies/devotionals, service at the lake, an annual holiday party and more.

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* 22. Seasoned Saints: This group is comprised of ages 50 and older. They enjoy the following throughout the year: annual trips, bi-monthly fellowship events, holiday party, service projects and more.

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* 23. Amen Ministry: This ministry is a ministry for Christian soldiers out at Fort Gordon. Amen Ministry contacts us letting us know of new soldiers in the area. We then reach out to them inviting them to church services and help plug them in.

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* 24. Paddington Project: This ministry serves young girls who are going through period poverty in our local schools. The ladies at Central provide the schools in the surrounding counties with small totes filled with feminine products.

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* 25. Cancer Support Services (formerly the Lydia Project) - This ministry provides lodging near cancer treatment, transport to treatment, and other financial and prayerful services for men, women, and children who have cancer.  Our ladies at Central help with sewing totes for CSS's tote ministry. 

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* 26. South Columbia Elementary: Central has linked up with our local elementary school to help provide assistance where needed. These areas include: collecting back packs, school supplies, providing breakfast for teachers on their first day of school and much more.

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* 27. Burn Unit: Central provides a meal for the local burn unit every third Tuesday on the month. This meal is for the family members of those who are in the burn unit as a patient.

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* 28. Feed the Hungry Day (Thanksgiving Week): On the Monday of Thanksgiving week the churches of Christ in the area all come together to feed over 3000 people downtown. Workers are needed to cook, setup, cleanup, serve, and more.

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* 29. Ronald McDonald House: Throughout the year we collect items for the RMH. There are even times where we go down and help clean it as well.

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* 30. Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home-Devotional: Every 1st Sunday of the month we join some other CofC’s in the area and help put on a devotional for the residents at the GA War Veterans Nursing Home.

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* 31. Baby Basket Ministry: We have an entire room in the building that is stuffed with baby products and clothing. Each month we have some ladies that get together and will put together baskets full of clothing, wipes, powder, and more. We connect with some local social workers to give out these baskets to those in need.

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* 32. Casserole Ministry: We have a freezer in one of the fellowship hall classrooms dedicated and full of frozen casseroles that have been made by members. Anyone can come by anytime and sign out a casserole and give it to a member in need.

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* 33. Food Pantry: Every Friday morning is food pantry day. Every Friday our we give out food to many in the area that are in need. Extra pantry workers are always needed.

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* 34. Golden Harvest Food Bank: Most of the months of the year we have a group from Central on a Saturday during the month work at Golden Harvest. For every person/every hour a member works there, we earn credit that helps us buy food for our pantry so we can serve those in need.

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* 35. Annual Mission Trip: For years now we’ve been going on mission trips. These trips are normally in the summer months and range from one to two weeks in duration. Members are needed to conduct Bible studies, teach classes, preach, and more.

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* 36. Greeters/Welcome Center: Every Sunday we use more than 10 greeters that man the doors here at Central. They greet members/visitors alike while passing out bulletins and directing folks to where they need to go.

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* 37. Attendance Pads: Every Sunday we take attendance by using attendance pads in the pews. We always need someone who can grab those that are filled out and put them in the welcome center for our secretary to process on Monday.

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* 38. Welcome Ministry: All first-time guests receive a gift bag with a coffee cup full of candy and a church brochure when they stop by the information desk. We always want to leave a good impression.

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* 39. REACH Groups: The congregation is broken down into 7 REACH groups. The groups get together and do fellowship activities, service activities and more throughout the year.

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* 40. PETS (People. Encouraging. Through. Service): Once a month we pass out sheets that are full of individuals from the congregation or that have visited with us for us to reach out to and encourage. Members write notes to these folks to encourage them.

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* 41. Serve in the Worship Services: All Christian men are eligible to serve in the worship service. You can sign up for the following: Song leader, prayer, scripture reading, announcements, sound room, attendance count, Lord’s supper assist, Lord’s supper preside, and usher.

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* 42. Communion Prep: Each week between Thursday-Saturday someone is needed to come up to the church building and prepare the Lord’s Supper for Sunday.

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* 43. CD Production: Every service is recorded on audio and video. The audio recordings are then burnt onto a CD for folks to pick up anytime.

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* 44. A/V Room (Sound Room): We have two Sound Rooms (one in the old auditorium and one in the new). Each service, members are needed to run these sound rooms. PPT, streaming services live, sound operation and more is needed each service.

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* 45. Building Lock-up: After every service we have a different person (for each service during the month) to lock up the building and make sure all the lights are off.

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* 46. Security (During Services): During each service we have a team of people that help secure the building while services are going on. They lock doors, watch cameras, and keep an eye on things to keep us all safe and secure.

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* 47. Inside Maintenance: There are plenty of things that are in constant need of attention when it comes to the maintenance inside the Central church building. They include the following areas: Baptistry, HVAC, Lighting, Toilets/Urinals, Doors, Floors, Pews, Windows, Kitchen, Ice Machine, Water Fountains, Storage Rooms/Attic, and more.

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* 48. Interior Decoration: This includes helping maintain the flowers in the auditoriums by the pulpits and any other decorating for events throughout the year.

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* 49. Outside Maintenance: There are plenty of things that are in constant need of attention when it comes to the maintenance outside the Central church building. They include the following areas: Paint Doors, Pressure Wash, Courtyard, Maintain Fountain, Maintain Retention Pond, Trim Hedges, Maintain Flower Beds, and more.

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* 50. Church-Wide Luncheons: Throughout the year we usually will have 2-3 church-wide luncheons/potlucks. They are usually set around a big church-wide event.

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* 51. Going Away Fellowships: When someone moves away, Central puts on a going away fellowship for them. Refreshments and goodbyes are always a part.

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* 52. Golf Tournament: Central puts on an annual golf tournament at a local course just for fun (and bragging rights of course). Anyone is welcome to play.

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* 53. Men’s Breakfast: Each year the Men’s Ministry has a breakfast where they get together and have a themed devotional time and have some great fellowship together.

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* 54. Men’s Retreat/Men’s Day: Each year the Men’s Ministry has a retreat (off campus) or a Men’s Day (at the church building). We may use our own men to conduct the lessons or bring in a guest speaker. Faith, food, and fellowship are all great parts of these events.

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* 55. Weekly Men’s Breakfast (Friday): Every Friday throughout the year there is a Men’s breakfast at the Cracker Barrel in Grovetown. All men are invited!

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* 56. Ladies Day/Ladies Retreat: Each year the Women’s Ministry has a retreat (off campus) or a Ladies Day (at the church building). We may use our own women to conduct the lessons or bring in a guest speaker. Faith, food, and fellowship are all great parts of these events.

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* 57. Weekly Ladies Bible Class: On Friday mornings throughout the year the ladies will have a ladies class at the church building. It normally starts at 10am.

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* 58. Ladies Trip (Yearly): At least once a year our ladies will take a trip out of town somewhere. Some of those locations have included Charleston, SC & Savannah, GA.

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* 59. Baby Showers: Our Central ladies put on all baby showers throughout the year for all first-time mothers. We typically have 4-5 baby showers a year.

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* 60. Wedding Showers: Our Central ladies put on all wedding showers throughout the year. We typically have 2-3 wedding showers a year.

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* 61. Ladies Saturday Tea: At least once a year our ladies will get together on a Saturday to have tea at someone’s home from the congregation.

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* 62. Luncheons with Lunch-Ins: Each quarter we have a group of members who go and have lunch with some of our shut-ins here at Central. They will take their own brown-bag lunch and take lunch to the shut-in as well and have a great visit.

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* 63. Bible Class Teacher: We have plenty of opportunity for members to get plugged in when it comes to teaching a Bible class or being a teacher assistant. Here are the classes that we always are looking for teachers: Nursery, 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, 5’s, 1st-2nd, 3rd, 4th-5th, Middle School, High School, CYP, Young Families, Middle Adult, Auditorium, Men’s Class, and Women’s Class.

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* 64. Combat Support Group: The Combat Support Group  Meets at the church building at 7pm on the first Friday of every month.

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* 65. Photography: We take directory pictures on the first Sunday  of every month and on special occasions.

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* 66. Mom's Support Group: The Mom's Support Group is for mom's of all ages and usually meets twice a month on Monday evenings at 6:45pm.

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* 67. Additional Comments