Community Feedback Form

Milton Public Library is updating our Library Master Plan (LMP) and we are seeking your input. The LMP proposes future spaces, services, programs, technology, staffing, and collections for the Library over the next 5 years. A draft LMP is available for public review and comment in branches and via the MPL website ( By completing this feedback form, you will be providing valuable information to help us test the initial findings of the LMP and better understand the importance of the library for Milton residents. The form should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete and is available until November 3, 2024. Upon completion, you may enter your email address for a chance to win a First Ontario Arts Centre Milton gift certificate. Please submit only one feedback form.

MPL respects your privacy. Individual responses will be kept confidential and results will be reproduced in summary format only for the purposes of informing the LMP. If you are younger than 16 years of age, please ask a parent or guardian for permission to complete the survey. If you have any questions about the LMP, this feedback form, or wish to submit additional information, please contact

Thank you for helping us shape the direction of library services in Milton!