
This survey has been abbreviated. If you would like to access the shortened version, please click here.
You will be shown each of the following mid-cycle roles individually and will be able to skip any that you cannot provide data for:

Inpatient Coding
Outpatient Diagnostic Coding
Outpatient Surgery Coding
Observation Coding
ED Coding
Physician Practice Coding
Inpatient CDI
Outpatient CDI
Release of Information
Document Imaging/Scanning
Chart Analysis

The questions for each function are estimated to take about five minutes to complete.

You will be able to indicate whether you are providing data only for hospital charges, only for professional charges or for both.

You also will be shown questions about staff satisfaction.

You will be asked to provide demographic data, including annual patient visit volumes, at the beginning of this survey. Clarivate Healthcare Business Insights will use that information to calculate staffing levels and to calculate peer group comparisons. All responses will be kept anonymous.

Your progress will be saved when you advance to a new page. You can leave and come back to this survey multiple times before submitting.

If desired, you can have multiple staff members submit responses for different roles, based on their areas of oversight – please coordinate if possible on your responses to the demographic questions so organization-wide information remains consistent across multiple entries.

If you would like to see a PDF list of all data requested, click here. However, all responses must be submitted through this online survey.

If you have any questions, please contact