City of Mesa Electric Utility Second Survey Question Title * 1. Who is your electricity provider? SRP (Salt River Project) City of Mesa APS (Arizona Public Service) I'm not sure Question Title * 2. What type of electric customer are you: Residential (Single Family Home – Owner Occupied) Residential (Single Family Home – Renting) Residential (Apartment/Condominium – Owner Occupied) Residential (Apartment/Condominium – Renting) Commercial Customer (Owner Occupied) Commercial Customer (Rent/Lease space) Question Title * 3. If Mesa provides you with more renewable energy, this will involve using more costly resources (compared to the current energy that COM provides you). Which of the following choices below characterizes your support of the use of renewable power: I am not willing to pay an increase in my utility energy bill for renewable resources I am willing to pay a 1-5% increase in my utility energy bill if some of it could come from renewable resources I am willing to pay a 6-10% increase in my utility energy bill if some of it could come from renewable resources I am willing to pay a 11-20% increase in my utility energy bill if some of it could come from renewable resources I am willing to pay a 21-40% increase in my utility energy bill if some of it could come from renewable resources I am willing to pay whatever bill increase that it takes to maximize the renewable resources that provide my energy Question Title * 4. The City of Mesa is considering offering a "Green Tariff" program. This is a program where you, as a customer, can elect to have either 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of your annual energy come from a renewable resource (like solar or wind power) where each kWh of energy costs a little bit more. Would you be interested in participating in this program? I would not participate in this program, but I would support the City of Mesa offering it if it doesn't impact my bills I would not participate in this program and don't want the City of Mesa to offer it I would participate in this program I would need more information to decide either way Question Title * 5. What energy efficiency upgrades have you made to your home or business? (check all that apply) Upgraded to LED Lightbulbs Upgraded to Compact Flourescent (CFL) Lightbulbs Replaced the air conditioner in the last 5 years with a standard model Replaced the air conditioner in the last 5 years with a high efficiency model Installed solar panels Installed shade screens over the windows Installed dual pane or other high efficiency windows Had an energy audit Installed a high efficiency pool pump Installed a "smart" thermostat Added a tree to the property to shade the building Upgraded insulation in the attic or walls Repaired leaky or otherwise broken air conditioning ducts Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What energy efficiency programs would you use if the City of Mesa Electric Utility implemented them? (check all that apply) Incentive to upgrade air conditioner to a high efficiency model Low cost energy audits Low cost duct testing Shade tree program (to reduce direct sunlight on the building) Incentive for high efficiency pool pumps Incentive for a smart thermostat Incentive for high efficiency appliance upgrades (i.e. high efficiency refrigerator or washer/dryer) Incentive for battery storage Incentive for solar PV system Low cost window shade screens Incentive for solar water heating Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What else can the City of Mesa do as your electric provider? Question Title * 8. If you would like a $10 downtown Mesa gift card, please enter in your City of Mesa Account Number from your bill. This will be a 12 digit number in this format "XXXXXX-XXXXXX" typically found on the top right of your monthly bill. Enter it in without the hyphen. Done