Mercy High School - Strategic Planning Survey 2022

Thank you for taking the time to share your views about Mercy High School. We will use your feedback in our Strategic Planning process; it will help us determine our highest priorities to be addressed in the strategic plan. We will share the results of this survey — and, ultimately, the Strategic Plan itself — in the coming months. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to Mercy! Please respond by Friday, May 13.
1.What is your affiliation with Mercy High School? Please select all that apply.
2.On a scale of 1-5, where 5 is strongly agree and 1 is strongly disagree, to what extent do you agree with each of the following statements? If you feel unable to respond to a particular statement, please select “Do not know.” There is also space if you would like to mention why you selected that rating.
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Somewhat disagree
3 = Neither agree nor disagree
4 = Somewhat agree
5 = Strongly agree
Do not know
Mercy High School has a clear mission.
Mercy High School is a values- and faith-based Catholic community.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion are important and visible components of the Mercy High School community and culture.
The charism of the Sisters of Mercy is clear and palpable at Mercy High School.
The Board of Trustees provides effective governance to Mercy High School.
The President and Principals provide effective leadership to Mercy High School.
The academic program of Mercy High School is very strong.
Mercy High School provides sufficient Advanced Placement and Honors courses.
Mercy graduates are well-prepared academically for college.
Technology that supports the teaching/learning process is appropriate and sufficient.
Faculty provides effective instruction and evaluation of course material.
The guidance/counseling program meets the academic, social and college preparatory needs of students.
There are sufficient opportunities for Mercy students to be challenged and to grow outside the classroom.
The layout and interior of Mercy’s building — classrooms, labs, library, cafeteria, meeting spaces, common areas — are adequate and appropriate.
Mercy’s fine arts (music, art, theater) facilities are adequate.
The exterior of Mercy’s building and surrounding grounds are adequate.
Mercy’s athletics facilities are adequate.
Mercy High School graduates are productive leaders in their personal and professional lives.
Mercy’s alumnae network is strong and supportive.
Mercy provides sufficient opportunities for alumnae to remain engaged with the school and with one another.
Mercy’s communication with current parents is clear, consistent, and of the right frequency.
Mercy’s communication with alumnae is clear, consistent, and of the right frequency.
Mercy’s communication with the larger community is clear, consistent, and of the right frequency.
3.If you could change one thing about Mercy High School, what would that be?
4.On a scale of 1-5, where 5 is a high priority and 1 is not a priority, please rate the importance of each potential investment.
1 = Not a priority
5 = High priority
More intramural/club sports
Overall academic program
Faculty/staff professional development
Additional course electives
Additional opportunities for online learning
Increased infrastructure to support technology
Turf athletic fields
Update the library to a learning commons
Updated façade and entrances
Energy efficiency (such as windows, roof, lighting)
Controlled air temperature (heating, cooling, ventilation)
Outside spaces created for gatherings
Additional interior spaces for gatherings and collaborations
Update science labs
Auditorium and foyer upgrades (soundboard, lighting)
New student desks/tables in classrooms (to support current device use)
Additional special education resources supports
New student lockers
Upgrade main office
Other (please specify)
5.Any additional comments to support the strategic planning efforts of Mercy High School?