Please note you will need to score a 75% or higher in order to pass.

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* 1. Required Info

Question Title

* 3. Minors participating in research programs at the UTHSCSA may engage in the following activities:

Question Title

* 4. Authorized adults who mentor minors in a university-sponsored research program should:

Question Title

* 5. Which of the following is recommended when working with a minor?

Question Title

* 6. A minor working in your lab comments that they have a headache and asks if you have any aspirin. You should:

Question Title

* 7. Upon completing the required child protection training regarding minors in the workplace, an authorized adult may do all of the following except:

Question Title

* 8. After several weeks serving as a mentor to a minor enrolled in a research program at the UT Health Science Center, you have established a positive, professional relationship with the minor. The minor invites you to follow them on Instagram. Which is an appropriate response?

Question Title

* 9. Ensuring a safe environment for minors engaged in a research program at the UT Health Science Center goes beyond lab safety. Authorized adults must be aware of the types of abuse and the signs of abuse. The types of abuse authorized adults must be aware of include all except:

Question Title

* 10. Signs of abuse by neglect can include which of the following:

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* 11. The minor with whom you have been working for several months is suddenly displaying extreme behavior changes. These could be signs of abuse from:

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* 12. In order to apply the term “abused”, a minor must have sustained a physical injury.

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* 13. Abuse that has severe negative impact on a child’s cognitive, emotional, or social development is categorized as:

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* 14. If a minor displays a fear of going home or talks about suicide, they may be experiencing which of the following types of abuse?

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* 15. While in the lab with a minor enrolled in a research program, the minor confides in you that they are being abused. Which of the following actions should you take?

Question Title

* 16. Non-accidental injuries resulting from self-harm may be a sign of abuse and can include:

Question Title

* 17. A minor that you mentor confides in you that they are being abused. According to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, you should:

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* 18. The only time an authorized adult must file a report regarding abuse of a minor with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is if the abuse is witnessed by the authorized adult.

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* 19. Authorized adults cannot transfer the responsibility for reporting abuse or suspected abuse.

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* 20. Failing to report abuse or suspected abuse to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is a Class A misdemeanor:

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* 21. After filing a report about alleged abuse of a minor with the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, you must contact the UT Police who will:

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* 22. Those who, in good faith, report or assist in the investigation of alleged or known abuse are provided immunity by the law for both civil and criminal liability.

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* 23. What is the specific sequential order for reporting alleged child abuse?

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* 24. Sexual predators could employ any of the following methods or strategies to gain access to a child.

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* 25. As a trained authorized adult, which of the following behaviors is not acceptable when mentoring a minor?

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* 26. While mentoring a minor in the lab, it becomes apparent the minor needs additional safety and laboratory technique training. Who is responsible for this training?

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* 27. Child protection training is required for all authorized adults who interact with:

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* 28. All child sexual abuse is between an adult and a child.

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* 29. Which child-to-child sexual abuse conduct is defined as participants under
the age of 18?

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* 30. Child-to-child sexual abuse reporting guidelines require the immediate
notification of law enforcement and the parents of the child.

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* 31. A no tolerance policy and clear explanation to participants and
parents/guardians sets the standard for expectations.

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* 32. Will you be mentoring a minor in research? 

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* 33. If Yes, please list name(s) of minors 

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* 34. If No, (please specify in what setting you will be interacting with minors at UT Health Science Center.)

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* 35. If you answered "No" to Q 28, please specify in what capacity will you be interacting with minors.