City of Mentor Analysis of Impediments Survey

1.Do you feel that there are high levels of segregation within the City of Mentor?
2.Has segregation within our community changed over time (since 1990)?
3.Do you feel that any of the following factors contribute, create or maintain segregation? Check any that apply
4.Do you feel that there are any differences in access to proficient schools based on race/ethnicity, national origin, and family status?
5.Do you feel that school-related policies, such as enrollment, busing or pay to play affect a student’s ability to attend a proficient school?
6.Is there a specific protected class that is the least successful at accessing proficient schools?
7.In the City of Mentor are there any differences in access to jobs and labor markets for individuals of a specific protected class? If so, check any protected class in which you feel this applied:
8.Do you feel that a person’s place of residence affects their ability to obtain a job?
9.What protected classes do you feel have the least success in accessing employment?
10.Do you feel that there are any differences in access to transportation? If so, in what factor is it applied?
11.Do you feel as though any of the following protected classes are prone or most affected by poverty within the City of Mentor
12.Is there an adequate supply of affordable housing in Mentor for persons with disabilities?
13.Is there an adequate supply and easy access to supportive services for persons with disabilities living in Mentor?
14.Do individuals with disabilities face any of the following barriers within the City of Mentor? Check any and all that apply:
15.Is there limited access for families with children to find suitable housing?
16.Do you feel as though any of the following factors create, contribute, maintain or increase the severity of differences in access to opportunity within the City of Mentor? Check any and all that apply:
17.Check any of the factors in which you feel significantly contribute , perpetuate, or increase the severity of unequal housing:
18.Do you feel that the City of Mentor has an adequate supply of affordable housing such as income based housing, such as project based housing, section 8, and low income tax credit housing properties?
19.Can you identify any local or regional fair housing agencies that provide fair housing information, outreach and enforcement within the City of Mentor?
20.Do you feel as though there needs to be additional fair housing enforcement within the City of Mentor?
21.List any significant fair housing issues within the City of Mentor in which you feel need to be addressed:
22.Any  additional comments,  concerns and suggestions are greatly appreciated:
Current Progress,
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